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Friday, October 14, 2011

We're Back!

I think/hope things are better than we feared. Chemo is out, they say it would kill Mum. Funny to think the cure can have the opposite effect. There is cancer present but they hope it hasn't spread(It is so slow)and he did not say how much was there(if its slow maybe its not that much)

They wanted to leave it alone(If its not bothering you, we'll not bother it)but when they realised its in an awkward place, they've arranged an appointment in a fortnight to decide if surgery or Radio Therapy is the best idea and we could lose the growth altogether.

The only glitch being they may give Mum a CT scan which may show it hasn't spread(Fantastic!)or it has spread but they say it only shows what is there and not change anything(unless you count knowing the full picture)

Hopefully, if that is the case there is a possibility its so slow growing that Mum may pass away before the cancer causes problems.

So its news in the middle, still a bit of limbo but Mum is very positive. And I feel some relief rightly or wrongly.

Funnily enough we were given the choice of attending one of two hospitals for treatment our home is between the two and the distance is approx the same..we started off at one and will now be seen at the other one.

There's no good time to get Cancer...but it would seem its better if it happens when you are older as it takes longer to affect you, you stand a better chance of outliving or beating it perhaps and the Consultant did say as the population ages, they are seeing more of this in the population. When younger its more aggressive.

Am I being wrong as the news sinks in and I remember what we have been told, is it as good a news as we think or the best we could hope for.

Mum is very happy and has convinced herself that it hasn't spread but if we have the scan will we feel that way if we see it has knowing Chemo is out and they would not use radio therapy on an internal organ.

And having said Mum may pass away before cancer would be the reason...surely, if Mum was to live a long time eventually the worry of being given a time limit would be raised again and then we'd be back to palliative care.

Maybe I'm just being too pessimistic and I am demanding too much. And I really should be overjoyed with how things have gone so far.

I should be looking at a glass that is half full rather half empty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope things improve for your mum , Gildy .


14 October 2011 at 15:26  
Anonymous VQ said...

Well, Gildy, we have to be grateful for small mercies.
I'm so pleased to hear that the news wasn't as bad as you expected.
Down south, we're having a gloriously sunny day. I hope it's similar where you are and that you and mum are able to get outside to enjoy the weather, trees, birds etc. In the end, it's the simple things that really matter.

14 October 2011 at 15:30  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Never a truer word was said VQ.

When I thought I was going to die approox 20 years ago and I eventually got home I stood at the back door looking into the garden and said the exact same thing.

It really was good to be alive!

Its a dull colourless day here and cold. Since coming home, perhaps a mixture of being up early and worry we've been out for the count and dozing.

And Mum talking about her funeral through the night and what she wants(well at least I know now)and singing out certain songs and hymns in quite a strong voice(I nearly said that would please our neighbours)but they have taken to Mum too and were worried.

I'm still going ahead looking after Mum's bank accounts and still going to see she benefits comfortwise rather than leaving it there, the interest is minimul anyhow.

I've just a letter from the bank and I have to give them a little more information before I can say its finally sorted so I can deal with it.

Getting ready for the new gadgets that arrive on Monday, think we're having fish and chips delivered again tonight, they should taste even better tonight.

Thanks Ump!

14 October 2011 at 15:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome , Gildy !

Enjoy your chippy - teas , both of you ! ;-)


14 October 2011 at 16:02  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Glad that you understood my comment...words missing and spelling errors...

My anguish was still to some extent justified I think and my blog was telling it as it is but fear of the unknown played its part fuelled by the poor initial examination.

The consultant today didn't have that unfeeling attitude. He wasn't brusk and abrupt.

14 October 2011 at 16:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can tell you that radio therapy is prefered to chemo - usually no big deal just like having an Xray.

14 October 2011 at 21:38  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks Anon :-)

Thats sounds great regarding the growth gbut its unlikely to be used if any is found on the scan...I'm happy to see the growth being shrunk or lost altogether.

Mum was always saying she'd like it removed and could not originally undestand why the talk was about taking the bulk out.

Today the consultant was against that idea.

Mum liked the Consultant and he had the bedside manner.

14 October 2011 at 21:51  

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