Where to start?
So yesterday(well, that's Tuesday now)I did not bother to do that much except a little attempt to tidy the house. It got that late that there was no way I was going to catch the bus to the Music Club on town so I bit the bullet and ordered a taxi(I was not up to the walk)However, the same taxi driver was to pick up my friend from the Music Club so the ride was combined and that way cheaper for both of us.
The Music Club was packed and an enjoyable night was had by all and the buffet spread was incredible. I did not eat that much and where others went back for second/third helpings I had a container with me and brought some home. And even then not as much as some. The John Wrightson Band played most of the night(except for some of our regulars who filled in to give them a break)and by the end of the night some of us(not myself due to health issues)were up and dancing.
Wednesday, I was at Coxhoe to see The Silver Belles at the Active Life Centre in the town. I have only been a couple of times but its like going to see friends and the staff are all so welcoming. The only thing wrong is that it is not closer to where I live or vice versa. It deserves all the help and success it is able to get. They host entertainment events and also physical exercise at a very well equipped centre. Again, I would love to do more there but public transport and again medical issues does not allow me to.
The Silver Belles were a mature group of ladies who sang a variety of songs(and they really did pick a varied programme)of songs, yes there were familiar songs but some less known songs but by that I mean not heard as often. They also performed some comedy too and it was an enjoyable afternoon. They were elegantly dressed and had lovely scarves(difficult to describe)around their necks with a musical note design in a kind of red colour. They had travelled quite a distance to perform for us.
I was sitting like a lemon when the raffle came up with the last number of the draw and I had a winning ticket. Doh! I am very happy with my gift. A set of Porcelain egg cups with a Marmite logo on them, they are a bit different. And they may encourage me to start having a light boiled egg again. Its been so long since I did that for a snack with toast soldiers of course.
We were given refreshments, a lovely cup of tea or coffee after the concert and were given Mince Pies. How good is that? My first of the year.
When I reached the bus stop in the dark I took a slight detour, I had to decide was I going to...travel to Sedgefield and change to a bus for my town. Use the same bus and change at Ferryhill and come home. Or stay on a bus straight through to Bishop Auckland for tonight's concert at the Town Hall but that meant filling in approx. two hours and as most shops close by 5.30pm where was I going to go? But if I came home I no sooner would be here and I would be going out again so I opted to stay on the bus and travel to Bishop.
I passed a house with a lovely original Christmas display in a bow window with figurines rather than lights(worthy of a prize/image taken)a bit different and original.
I seem to be very good at filling in time. Well, for starters I had food in my rucksack and ate two quarters of bacon and egg quiche on the bus. I had a pack of sandwiches which I ate when I reached my destination a deserted bus station.
I found a shop that was open until 6pm so did a browse and a kind of Window shop. Then found another shop open until 8pm and dragged the time out and came home with some more Christmas cards and a Birthday card. I was the only one shopping and I felt it for the staff having to stay open. The town was dead and the weather so bad few if any would venture out. But this shop is so near the Town Hall so ok for me. But located far from any others that were open like supermarkets so unlikely to attract many shoppers.
Some of the time I sat huddled on a seat in the open area outside the Town Hall with my scarf, gloves and hat on hiding behind a big lamppost to shield me from the wind. I had a banana at that time.
I have booked all the shows that I am able to for the first three months of 2014 and it only works out at less than £3 per week so that is not bad. It is hoped that in the New Year some of the people who go the music club may start to go to the shows at the Town Hall helping secure its continued success and if we share the cost of a transport home it will allow for shows that overrun and avoid the chance of missing the last bus home which is now earlier than before.
Though that could give the service the excuse needed to drop it altogether or move it to an earlier time. But as that bus only cuts a swathe through the middle of my town and stops in the town centre, it is no good for many. Many venues may have to start looking at some kind of scheme like this to continue.
Tonight it worked out ok as the show started at 8pm and finished around 10.30pm which gave me 15 minutes to reach the bus station and the last bus home.
It was a great night and starred Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies. You never know what songs Jez will decide to play. I have a few images that I will try and post soon. They did not seem to mind photo's being taken and I only took mine after a couple were taken with flash(which I did not use)but I think that they have come out OK but this is the best one I think. You can catch Jez all over the UK and the world. And next year he again takes part in the BBC Radio Ballad series on Radio 2 and the theme will be connected to the 100 year anniversary of WWI.
So I now have two shows to see in Darlington, one in Durham and four at Bishop Auckland Town Hall.
I had a pot of tea that's two cups for £1.20(that's quite reasonable)a good strong brew and was lovely and hot.
I just have time to have a rest and before I know it, it will be time to go out for the Christmas night with those I usually play Bingo with on a Thursday.