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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Is It Really...

Only five hours to Christmas? Yes, I believe it is.

I have to laugh, I have been talking about the Crusts Away bread...why not just cut them off myself...doh!

I'm feeling good(except for my knee that is playing up)but I forgot to look out for the traditional Christmas Eve tour of Santa around the streets of my town perhaps the first time ever in some 50+ years, I have always given a wave and shouted Happy Christmas but with the wild weather perhaps it was called off. Being in the back bedroom with door closed perhaps I just did not hear him.

I've found some biscuits, half covered in chocolateanimated smileys laughing 12

My chicken stew is taking longer than planned to be ready, the chicken and gravy is fine but the vegetables will be a while longer...(I've had some...its great)

Oh by the way for anyone kind enough to follow me, read my thoughts or leave comments and e-mail...

I wish you and those nearest and dearest to you a Happy Christmas and hopefully a kind and peaceful New Year.

animated smileys christmas 4


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to you. Followed you from Old Style Doorstep, where I read but never post! There are lots of messages for you there, wishing you a lovely day tomorrow.

24 December 2013 at 20:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a lovely Christmas and enjoy the day. Your kind wishes for your readers are much appreciated.

Happy Christmas.


25 December 2013 at 01:08  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you SD :-)x
I had a late night.

I have half a dozen cards to write and deliver locally, planned to have them already sent by they were there for when they wake. It didn't happen.

I had two presents to wrap for the person who invited me out later today. So did that in the early hours.

How much easier it could have all been with my address book to hand. :-(

25 December 2013 at 10:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you are having a lovely day. Will check your blog tomorrow and see what you have been up to!

take care

SQ :) (from OS thread)

25 December 2013 at 20:30  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes you too...
I did very little today(is it possible to do even less than usual?)

25 December 2013 at 20:53  

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