I Have My Christmas Jumper...
Details in the comments section of the previous post...

How different a day can be...I had to go to Bishop Auckland to find one similar to what I was looking for and luckily there was one size that fit. I say it was different as people did not look so down, it seemed busier and even the bus journey did not seem a chore.
All the bargains I found today were food based...
Earlier in the day there was some cheese in the reduced section of the supermarket but it had only been reduced by 30p if that so I decided not to bother. I called in on the way home from the bingo club and there had been a mix up and the cheese had been missed when everything was reduced to silly prices so I called someone and it was all reduced to 9p-16p so I paid 79p and actually received £10 of cheese.
I also found some potatoes and salad items and saved a lot again.
On the earlier trip I found sliced chicken, mulled wine and orange ham, corned beef worth around £16 for approx. £5 So I am doing pretty good.
The bingo was free tonight and we had nothing to pay...again I was close but not close enough to win.
I took my big box of half covered chocolate Christmas biscuits by Cadbury's but they were not needed so I will hang onto them and if I keep them in my airtight box I can take them again or use them myself.
Whilst in Bishop Auckland(just because the boxes were damaged) I got 5 boxes of Lime and Lemon Jaffa cakes(17 in each box)selling for 25p per box and also elsewhere I found some Jamaica ginger and rum cake worth £1 for 49p so I purchased some of them too. Dates are fine on everything.
Originally there were 18 boxes when they announced the Jaffa cakes and I was across the other side of the store by the time I reached the other entrance there was 6 boxes left and someone else dived in and I thought she was going to take the lot but she only took one box so I purloined the remaining 5 boxes.

How different a day can be...I had to go to Bishop Auckland to find one similar to what I was looking for and luckily there was one size that fit. I say it was different as people did not look so down, it seemed busier and even the bus journey did not seem a chore.
All the bargains I found today were food based...
Earlier in the day there was some cheese in the reduced section of the supermarket but it had only been reduced by 30p if that so I decided not to bother. I called in on the way home from the bingo club and there had been a mix up and the cheese had been missed when everything was reduced to silly prices so I called someone and it was all reduced to 9p-16p so I paid 79p and actually received £10 of cheese.
I also found some potatoes and salad items and saved a lot again.
On the earlier trip I found sliced chicken, mulled wine and orange ham, corned beef worth around £16 for approx. £5 So I am doing pretty good.
The bingo was free tonight and we had nothing to pay...again I was close but not close enough to win.
I took my big box of half covered chocolate Christmas biscuits by Cadbury's but they were not needed so I will hang onto them and if I keep them in my airtight box I can take them again or use them myself.
Whilst in Bishop Auckland(just because the boxes were damaged) I got 5 boxes of Lime and Lemon Jaffa cakes(17 in each box)selling for 25p per box and also elsewhere I found some Jamaica ginger and rum cake worth £1 for 49p so I purchased some of them too. Dates are fine on everything.
Originally there were 18 boxes when they announced the Jaffa cakes and I was across the other side of the store by the time I reached the other entrance there was 6 boxes left and someone else dived in and I thought she was going to take the lot but she only took one box so I purloined the remaining 5 boxes.
Good morning. I just had to let you know how much I like your jumper. Think I will get a couple of them for my sons.
The cheese was a brilliant bargain.
We haven't tried the lemon and lime Jaffa Cakes yet, maybe I will get some next week when I do the shopping.
It is very wet and mild down here today. What is the weather up with you?
Nice to think the weekend is nearly here. No getting up for the school bus, always a welcome treat.
Take Care Lorna
Morning Lorna,
Another day begins(then again I guess it started for you at least three hours ago)with school to think of, perhaps you work too?
I'm sleeping better at present through the night so wake feeling more ready for the day ahead.
The weather? I would say its mild but the couple of times I paid a call through the night(why did I take water tablets so late?)and looked out the window it seemed to have been raining most of the night.
I have found that many foods passed/near their expiry dates are fine for ages after the date on them. Especially if you have a good fridge/freezer.
I also have some bags that I found some weeks ago in Durham that help bread, vegetables and cheese last longer anyhow.
Glad you like the jumper by the way...not the most expensive for a new one(£12)I will watch to see if any are on sale after Christmas or turn up in the charity shops.
So many clothes say do not put in the drier etc...wash them a certain way and I often ignore the instructions and they are fine.
But as many of my clothes are from charity shops these days it doesn't really matter as they are easy to replace.
Oh dear, its just said on the radio there are 12 shopping days until Christmas.
Nice jumper, Gildy. :)
Make sure you keep topped up with hot food/drinks in tandem with those sandwiches. ;)
My slow-cooker vegetarian chilli was a success and extremely tasty. :) I made a big batch and got 7 portions of it, 5 of which I froze. How nice it is to pull a home-made "ready meal" from the freezer, knowing exactly what is in it and that it's full of healthy veggies. :)
I managed to get some frying steak cheap at Waitrose today, so that's on a date with the slow-cooker after the weekend, with some red wine/paprika/veggies, and I'll turn half into pies with some shortcrust pastry and freeze them. :) I tried some B*rds Eye frozen pies recently, and they were disgusting and full of gristle - I dread to think what was in them...
N x
Hello N :-)
I have no excuse not to try some of your ideas in my slow cooker now but I have a lot to get through first.
I totally agree about hot food and drinks. I still feel warm inside and I ate my meal over two hours ago. Must be the chips :-)
It seems milder indoors tonight(mind that's because I am in a small back bedroom with door closed)I know if I was to open it or step into the other rooms it would be cold.
We never used to close the doors to any room.
Coming home tonight I could feel that biting cold wind starting up again and the weather forecast does not look good for weekend in the North of England/Scotland.
I saw some steak in Tesco's but not reduced by much and not needed at present. They seem to be reducing items later than they used to so I may have to go later than I used to.
B*rd's Eye pies...I used to quite like them and had them quite often,I have four in my freezer right now so I wonder if mine will be a disappointment.
Must get into batch cooking more.
Ant x
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