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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Troubled Dreams...

The last couple of nights I know I have had dreams that may be classed as nightmares or bordering on being so even weird but luckily was able to go off back off to sleep fairly quickly and don't remember what they were about.

Today, I am realising just how behind I am on the simple tasks and I think the few people I should be mailing cards to are going to be disappointed. I think that I may have to send out New Year cards in January.

I am going to rearrange some bits and bobs around the house(like the fridge/freezer)

I saw something that I fancied in the supermarket but cannot justify a ham joint with a topping of some kind of apple and spiced chutney topping to glaze it with but it costs £9. But for one person? I'm tempted to say go on...enjoy whilst you may but when there is only yourself? I could get many meals/sandwiches out of it and I bet I'll waste the same amount on other items. It could go in the freezer but I think that I shall pass.

I also am going to wind down what I have in the fridge/freezer which will save me some money for a few months(mainly freezer stuff)so the only things I will be buying are fresh items. And I'll build up with new items again.

I think I am quite organised.

I have eaten a triple pack of egg and cress sandwiches. To be honest there is a buffet on at the music club tonight and "Its free!" and if I eat too at home, there won't be any room for that.

One of the media stories that has been running for sometime involves a person who to be honest I am unsure where she suddenly appeared from. I suspect it was because of a blog she wrote about coping on a low income and making the money stretch but still trying to eat tasty, good food for herself and her child. Others felt they were in a similar situation and in time the media at large courted her but lets be fair she deserves the interest and to do well.

She is true to her convictions, she has said that fame and a modest increase in income is not guaranteed and why if(I feel this too)you find yourself in a better place can you not still appreciate that others are not in that place and you may be able to help others and by continuing in a similar way that you have known does you no harm either. But naturally with the positive response the media has given some have also gone on the attack. I don't know why this happens, a lot of what is written is just nasty and un-necessary. Nothing to do with any work, causes, projects or campaigns she is involved in.

Well, after a blog, a Twitter account, radio and tv appearances, a small column in a national newspaper, a national supermarket has now made her the public face of the company and dropped a long standing tv chef who has fronted their campaigns for years but that's commercialism.

They are tapping into a feeling that they perceive the British public is into at present with times being tight for many but obviously they still want to sell as much as they can but they can also lock into a "We're all in this together" stance and that they are like us.

But all companies keep changing their image especially when they advertise and they will do so again at some point in the future.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good Afternoon. Egg and cress sandwiches - delicious. My mouth was actually watering as I read your Blog.
Sorry you are behind with your jobs. It all goes a bit crazy trying to keep on top of things at this time of year. I am sure that your friends will not mind if the cards are late.
We all get so wound up about this one day of the year. Why oh why can't we all realise that it is just a day and that we do not need to get in a tailspin. I am however just as guilty as the next person for worrying about it.
The Buffet sounds lovely for tonight. Make sure you tuck in and enjoy a good amount of the lovely food on offer.
Going back to yesterday, I have decided to leave Adam and the Ants in my teenage memory. My teenage self would be horrified that my middle aged self would even consider going!! An internal battle between myself and I.
We have been lucky enough to see Midge Ure on his solo tour and with Ultravox and that was brilliant. Their music is more timeless though.
I did go and look about the blogger and the supermarket add campaign. As usual that latest band wagon is about to be pounced upon by big business.
Well that's me for today. Have a lovely time tonight. Lorna

17 December 2013 at 16:55  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You have a good night too. I don't blame said blogger and she gives out as much as she gets when required but as you say the supermarket will see it as an advantage.

Simple food. I had forgotten how tasty egg and cress sandwiches can be. There are many foods I will never taste and lots of simple foods I have passed on.

Its months since I had beans on toast as another example.

Yes tonight should be good.

I almost saw Midge Ure too but the venue was not that easy to come home from.

I will see if I can catch up on things from Thursday.

Two concerts all being well tomorrow, Christmas event on Thursday night and another concert on Friday Lunchtime.

The Railway museum on Saturday and possibly a pantomime/carol event in Durham Market place on Sunday afternoon.

Where did all these events come from?

BTW I just happened to be online when your comment came through hence the quick reply.

17 December 2013 at 17:19  
Blogger Unknown said...

Always lovely to read your comments. Thank you for taking the time to do so.

17 December 2013 at 17:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be frank 'they are like us' applies to us all in that rich or poor we are all selfish and 'we are all in this together' only applies to anyone of us until we get up another rung of the ladder.
I really don't see poor people behaving in anyway better than rich people, and even if you were a tramp living in a box another tramp would try and steal that box off you if he thought it was better than his.

17 December 2013 at 22:23  

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