I Know How To Pick 'Em...
I looked up Earthenware on the internet and find it is the easiest of pottery to chip
I'll worry about that when the time comes.
I have not gone out, I will look for the Christmas jumper in the next few days, I saw one on Darlington Market I may consider that says Happy or Merry Christmas all over it. The other option is just a general winter type scene. That kind of image allows you to wear it after Christmas and through the winter.
Now you know that I am into my Christmas music but you have no idea(perhaps you do)just how many artists are out there with Christmas songs to their name. I didn't until I had access to the internet. And yes new songs are being composed alongside the songs we have heard for many years. But there are many recordings of artists from the last 50 years or more that are never played.
And if they were given more publicity and airplay on the radio just maybe people would not be tired of Christmas music or sick of hearing the same version of a particular song.
This morning I came across a new CD by Johnny Mathis. Five tracks on his own and seven are duets. The guests are Billy Joel, Natalie Cole, Jim Brickman, Gloria Estefan, Susan Boyle, The Jordanaires, Amy Grant and Vince Gill. But there are new singers that have brought out Christmas selections such as Mary J. Blige. I have yet to hear that.
Johnny Mathis' CD has four tracks that are new/almost new "This Christmas" "Sending You A little Christmas" "This Is A Time For Love" "Merry Christmas Darling" "Decorate The Night"
For the older selection there is "The Christmas Song" "Mary's Boy Child" "Do You Hear What I Hear" "Home For The Holidays" "I'll be Home For Christmas/White Christmas"
And the last song could be played any time of year I suspect "Count Your Blessings" which again shows that some songs associated with Christmas could be played long after the festive period.
Update:Before my free listening on Spotify ended earlier today, I managed to hear all but four songs of Mary J Bliges' Christmas album, its my first time of hearing her and its pretty darn good!

I have not gone out, I will look for the Christmas jumper in the next few days, I saw one on Darlington Market I may consider that says Happy or Merry Christmas all over it. The other option is just a general winter type scene. That kind of image allows you to wear it after Christmas and through the winter.
Now you know that I am into my Christmas music but you have no idea(perhaps you do)just how many artists are out there with Christmas songs to their name. I didn't until I had access to the internet. And yes new songs are being composed alongside the songs we have heard for many years. But there are many recordings of artists from the last 50 years or more that are never played.
And if they were given more publicity and airplay on the radio just maybe people would not be tired of Christmas music or sick of hearing the same version of a particular song.
This morning I came across a new CD by Johnny Mathis. Five tracks on his own and seven are duets. The guests are Billy Joel, Natalie Cole, Jim Brickman, Gloria Estefan, Susan Boyle, The Jordanaires, Amy Grant and Vince Gill. But there are new singers that have brought out Christmas selections such as Mary J. Blige. I have yet to hear that.
Johnny Mathis' CD has four tracks that are new/almost new "This Christmas" "Sending You A little Christmas" "This Is A Time For Love" "Merry Christmas Darling" "Decorate The Night"
For the older selection there is "The Christmas Song" "Mary's Boy Child" "Do You Hear What I Hear" "Home For The Holidays" "I'll be Home For Christmas/White Christmas"
And the last song could be played any time of year I suspect "Count Your Blessings" which again shows that some songs associated with Christmas could be played long after the festive period.
Update:Before my free listening on Spotify ended earlier today, I managed to hear all but four songs of Mary J Bliges' Christmas album, its my first time of hearing her and its pretty darn good!
Afternoon, Neighbour Gildy,
Good to see you getting out and about. Well done on giving your stalker the slip.
Christmas music - I had this on whilst putting up the decorations on Sunday, C. surprised me by saying 'I love this so much...' (actually he put it a bit more graphically than that; you know what his language is like!)
What he meant was the whole vibe of putting up the decs that come out year after year and building the atmosphere with Christmas music.
I've got a fairly extensive collection of Christmas CDs, some are very different (folk, classical) others the run of the mill stuff.
Big raffle at the music club tonight - I'm quite lucky with the ordinary weekly raffle but results vary with this big raffle.
Is it very mean-spirited to hope that most of the prizes go to club members and not to those that tickets that are sold outside the club, given that we supply most of the prizes?
Though I guess if we (the Club) get the benefit of funds raised it doesn't matter.
Something to ponder on!
Forgot to say, earthenware may be easiest to chip but is also the most practical for everyday use. It isn't precious porcelain but much cheaper to replace.
If you can buy the pieces separately you could always get one or two 'just in case of chips).
I've got a real mishmash of crockery, have had many sets over the years! A few plates are from sets I was given as wedding presents in '76. I keep meaning to get a set of plain white that will be easy to replace for breaks but it's never happened. Yet!
Hello :-)
Good to hear the traditions of Christmas music is still enjoyed by people that are younger(ahem)than ourselves. Really its how you feel inside rather than an actual number.
I have five strips of tickets for the Christmas raffle but in the last month I have never purchased so many ticket for various organisations...be it our own club(notice how I call it "our" club :-)
But also the Bingo Club I go to with the slightly older(ahem)people(mind you'd be amazed how many prizes/hampers were given out(no I did not win anything)and I have some for a local hospice and yes some for the Navy Club draw on Boxing Day evening.
All going to causes that make a difference. Some I was supposed to sell but to who?
I know exactly what you mean though regarding the members at our club and also the raising of funds.
I plan to wear my "Bah Humbug!" hat tonight(either its small or I have a big head LOL)but it kind of fits...if needs be I'll make a little slit in the trim so it fits better. My companion at the club wanted one too.
Yes, the continuing story I could tell you of my "Stalker!" If anyone had to get one, it had to be me :-)
Perhaps I do know how to pick crockery after all :-) Thanks for the info...I have a set of four of everything. Most of my crockery is a mixture too...and if the clear out had not happened(ahem)I think I actually had/have enough to last me until the day I die or am put out to pasture :-)
Don't ask how or why, they could be in the loft.
I may end up using the mixed items I have and hang onto the new though that was not the plan and they were purchased to use not to look at after all.
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