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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Won Something...

Well, by the law of averages I guess it was bound to happen eventually. I came away with a kind of hamper at the Music Club. I can make use of most of the contents and/or as I said I would as its my nature I will donate to the local foodbank as it may help others.

I did a little bit of work today on the PC, looked at the clock and decided to go out. I had no idea just how cold it was. I could feel the frost in the air. With thermals, hat, gloves and scarf I was still frozen so who knows what it would have been liked without them.

I found my computer magazine on sale a day early and finally the double edition of the main listings magazine "Radio Times" in the UK is on sale in the North East of England(we're always a few days behind the South)And you know how people often turn to the back page when they buy a newspaper...well all  I have had a quick look at so far is what is on radio over the Christmas period, not TV. Being out on Christmas Day I will have to leave my computer recording what's on and listen later. I could do catch up but live via the radio is better quality.

Still no joy on the Christmas Jumper even though I now have come up with some other retailers to consider.

I found some cooked turkey from deli in the supermarket(reduced)so made myself some salad and turkey Panini rolls, I really do find small snacks are easier than sitting down to full meals, I still had to leave some which I may have to finish off later.

Now I am under the bedclothes and reasonably cosy. I will see what tomorrow brings and I decide to do. Difficult to believe Christmas is almost here.

I've only been taking my medications for some 15 years and I have forgotten to take them today...I could start now but think I'll start afresh tomorrow. If I take anything I'll just take my vitamins and minerals.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hello. Glad you managed to keep warm today. I live down in the southwest, but it was still cold today even though the weather lady assured me it would be mild today. The wind is what made the difference here.
The Christmas jumper shopping made me smile - I still find it hard to believe they are so fashionable. Back in the day we would have been so disappointed to receive one of those at Christmas. Do you have any memories of wearing home knitted Aran jumpers? I always remember itching all through the Sunday church service wishing I could get home soon to take it off.
By the way I loved your dotty crockery - right up my street. I love eating off of bright plates - in fact did you see the article about a hospital trust changing to blue plates and the outcome was people ate more food. Interesting stuff.
Take care Lorna

11 December 2013 at 20:48  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its lovely to feel I am sharing something with others, your input is appreciated Lorna.

There is a fun person inside of me even though I do think of much deeper things and when written down it can look very serious.

I don't know what set my desire off for a jumper. Especially now...perhaps its because they are better these days?

Wonder if any will be reduced in the sales after Christmas...

The Bah Humbug hats went down well at the music club(mentioned in an earlier post)

I do remember hearing about certain items of clothing being itchy and I seem to remember it drove many to distraction.

I did hear or read something about blue plates improving appetite in hospitals and there could well be something in it.

I think there is something in the idea that food presented on large plates can see people eating too much. So a smaller one is better.

Equally for many people are realising that you can have all your minerals/vitamins and enough food daily and eat less.

Talking of how eating can be affected by the colour of plates, a study was held earlier in the year suggesting that the taste of certain foods can be affected by the cutlery you use...try this is a search engine...

Glad that you like my choice of crockery by the way :-)

If money was no object and I knew I could stay put I probably would like to reinvent the interior of my home.

It could well be that next year I will take my blog in another direction and you will see me choose new/newer furnishings and if I do I'll post images.

I may ask for ideas...


11 December 2013 at 21:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your win! First post here. I enjoy dropping in from time to time to read your blog. Hopefully you will enjoy your winnings.


13 December 2013 at 18:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, first post here. I like to drop in and read your blog!

Congratulations on your win - I hope you enjoy all the treats. Something nice to settle down with and listen to the Christmas radio.


13 December 2013 at 18:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks SD,
I have no problems with posts appearing as Anon but in days gone by I used to receive them without initials or name at the end of the comment then I and others know who I am replying to :-)

Its nice to know that someone cares/takes an interest.

I went out almost 2 hours ago to my bank just to put enough in to cover the DD for my electric and gas, then into the charity shop and purchased three jumpers, into the supermarket to donate to the food bank and there was a band playing Christmas Carols in the entrance so I put money in their collection bucket too.

The hamper I won, I salvaged a couple of items but most has gone to the food bank if I am honest.

Take Care SD x

13 December 2013 at 18:52  

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