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Friday, December 13, 2013

Being Lazy...

Well I have done nothing all day but am now going out for an hour, I had no reason to but a little break does you good. I'll visit my bank and put some money in to cover my Direct Debit for my gas/electric. I'm £314 in credit and that will allow me some extra use over Winter and by paying my usual monthly amount I will keep the credit up for when times become more difficult but if I can keep paying it will be even better for next year. Not only are my prices frozen but talking with the call centre today the credit they give me annually for paying by DD will now be given back by not paying the standing charge so I am paying for what I actually use.
I found the following in the wardrobe...its a bit big large but they say baggy clothes/layered clothing keeps you warmer so I can live with that. Its not really that Christmassy but it could do? What do you think? It is certainly a jumper that looks right to be worn through the Winter season.
Found this, I forgot about it and cannot remember when I got it. Its a bit large but still ok for Xmas?


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