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Monday, December 16, 2013

Well You Learn What People Like...

I went for some egg and bacon quiche last night for my club and I was the only person who ate it. Having cooked two, I have one and three quarters of quiche left for the next few days so it will go with salads or quick snacks. Its been a while since I had quiche so I don't mind. I also have quite a few cherry tomatoes and cheese too which is ok as they can make a quick salad/snack. No further cooking involved.

Still eating sandwiches purchased 8 days ago and they are fine...lots of cheap meals...oh and though you probably spend more than you win(well I know that I do over the year)I won a house on the bingo last night and won the princely sum of £22. Not to be sniffed at! With a couple of drinks, taxi home, bingo, sticky thirteen card game and one domino card entry...I suspect it costs £520 over the year. But more importantly you are socially getting into company.

I'm on for the carol service tonight so something to look forward to and it will set the week off to a good start.

I was home around half ten, we're only there for around three hours, and was ready for the last of the Sunday radio music shows. Sunday is a day for relaxed music.

Lorna is right about music in a comment on a previous blog entry. There is good music still being produced but its finding it. And then a lot of music from the past is ignored/neglected and in general but when you do you realise how much is not heard on radio or available in the shops and this is the advantage of the internet. Radio wise unless you have access to the internet, it is still the BBC that offers most choice but even they have a habit of cutting back on certain types of music.

One of my favourite programmes has disappeared from Sunday night(well two actually)One was unavoidable because the presenter David Jacobs passed away. Having said that we have a programme almost the same and it is hosted by the lyricist Don Black who plays similar music, knows music and does not talk over it.

The Clare Teal Big Band show has been extended but has more talk than before and some of the content could possibly be seen as not being big band so it has changed somewhat but still listenable.

But we have lost a real gem Russell Davies who found music rarely heard by songwriters/singers and was always able to find stories behind the songs. The excuse given was to save money but I'm not really sure where the saving comes from. Unless the extra talk means avoiding the paying of royalties on the music played.

As Russell has been moved to Monday's and the show is now mainly an interview programme with little music included and whilst Russell interviews well enough its the music that I miss and all three presenters are still being used. Though I understand Russell will be doing fewer programmes across the year.

Back to Lorna, she mentioned having the chance to see a concert by a popular group in the 1980's a they've got together again "Adam and the Ants" Should she go and see them again, will she be disappointed and its best to have your memories.

Well many bands do come back and as good as before or take a new direction. Many bands have never given up performing and have taken original fans with them and attracted a new audience too. Some play the big stadiums, some have gone onto the theatre/cabaret circuit, some do the lot.

I never got to concerts as a teenager and when older most were too far away/expensive but in the last couple of years I have seen quite a few and they are still as good as they ever were even though most would be officially classed as pensioners. They often give more to an audience than performers that are younger.

Should Lorna go and see Adam and his Ants, that's a difficult one. And as I have found myself, how many of the original line up will be on stage? Does it matter if some members are missing?


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