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Saturday, December 14, 2013

When I Say I'll Do Something I Do My Best...

not to let myself or others down but I have called off my trip to Durham and taking part in supporting a demonstration against Austerity measures being taken in the UK by the Government, my little political stance but I'm not up to the effort today...yesterday perhaps, tomorrow perhaps, possibly this afternoon but all the local events are over by then. I haven't missed many events in recent times.

Not going anywhere today at all, staying indoors...not even down the street. Its raining and getting quite windy out there too.

I am a bit achy and it doesn't happen often but I have a headache. And I am tired too. So in case I am going down with anything I shall take it easy. No time is good for feeling ill but not the week before/over Christmas. Not when I have two concerts on Wednesday, a Christmas party at my music club on Tuesday, possibly a concert on Monday with Ferryhill's Town Band if its not out of the way where its located, Its in Chilton which is a little nearer than Ferryhill, a Christmas party with the bingo club I attend is on Thursday.

The Christmas events are not formal meals but buffet affairs. So I won't be overeating.

Think I shall have my meds and a cup of tea to start the day.

Then to decide what to have for my meals...I have so much to choose from...and lots to use up. Details later, I bet you can hardly wait.

Update:Dug out my dressing gown, first time since last Winter and am sitting at my desktop PC having had a cup a soup , I suspect my meal will be similar to yesterday, sandwiches(they are too good not to use)and I'll finish off the oven chips and have some fruit today. I have been throwing out too much lately. Mainly bananas.

Meds have been taken, painkillers too and starting to feel better, I was right to stay home. Generally with a impaired immune system and on steroids you are supposed to try and avoid colds anyhow.

Mundane tasks ahead, washing, making my bed(slept well)but wonder what I have been doing the state it is in. A few Christmas cards to write and some rubbish bagged for the wheelie bin. Will I shave? May leave that until tomorrow.

There's a town Christmas concert in the afternoon tomorrow which I may go along to(I never have before and its free)and only a few streets away.

The weather is getting worse out there, it certainly is Winter. Because of the concert tomorrow and the bingo club I may have to have it late in the day unless I prepare it earlier in the day but its been months since I had a meal of vegetables, chicken and gravy so tomorrow I think I'll give it a go. Even though in theory I guess that you could say its really a Christmas meal in all but name. I can have it all done within 20 minutes at the latest.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hello, firstly your new jumpers are all really nice. I love finding charity shop bargains. As you rightly say they will keep you warm when layered up.
Sorry you are not feeling good today. Lots of rest and hot drinks are what you need to be doing.
Don't worry about missing the Austerity March - best to look after your own health needs.
Colds are awful at Christmas when everyone around seems to be having such a good time. It just feels miserable in the depths of a cold. It always seems such a shame when you can't taste Christmas dinner.
Keep warm and keep well.
As always I will look forward to your next Blog entry.

14 December 2013 at 17:34  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think I have turned the corner Lorna, for all my health problems and a compromised immune system I am quite good at fighting off colds thankfully.

Mind last Winter I had a cough that I just could not shift and troubled me through the nights. So far, so good.

The jumper that I purchased at full price the other day proved really warm and luckily I had diversed myself of my thermal vest :-) That would have been too much.

I had to laugh I wore my anti Santa Christmas hat(black with Bah Humbug on it)at the bingo club on Thursday and forgot to take it off so I was walking around Tesco's with it on and then home...

I have to look into trying to see those Christmas lights in neighbouring towns before its too late and I am fortunate that the routes to some of the concerts this week pass through quite a few.

Did you see the story that Thirsk in Yorkshire have invested in some new illuminations and found the cost of the electric has increased so much to last year, they may be unable to light them next year and are in dispute over the charges with one of the big energy companies.

Bah Humbug indeed x

14 December 2013 at 18:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time, howabout you use the bananas to make some muffins or banana bread? That way you haven't wasted your money on buying them. :)

Do be careful with those out of date sandwiches, especially if you have health problems - there is a reason why they have a Use By date on them. :)

The chicken and vegetables and gravy sounds good - if you are not feeling a hundred percent and it's very cold up there, you need hot meals made with fresh food, not sandwiches. Sorry to sound a nag, but I live alone, and I know how easy it is for convenience's sake just to make a sandwich rather than get into the mindset of making a proper hot meal. :)

N x

14 December 2013 at 21:14  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello there - the hat in tesco made me smile, I bet you did get some odd looks!
I will check out the story of the Thirsk lights on the internet later this afternoon. It seems so sad that the cost of electricity is having such a part to play in Christmas traditions.
I am sure that your sensible eating habits and keeping warm will be good for your health.
When we were younger we seemed so strong and never envisaged a time when we would get older and become more susceptible to less than excellent health.
I also enjoy different music now. It can be such a shock when my son puts on Radio one in the car - it sounds so loud I find myself saying things like we never had music like that in my day! Of course we did though, and I certainly enjoyed most of it when I was younger.
We often listen to Elaine Paige on Sunday afternoons and then to the other later programmes. Nice easy listening.
In the car at the moment I have a Bing Crosby Christmas cd and I love it.
Adam and the Ants are playing a concert here in April next year. I can't decide whether to go or not and whether it will spoil my memories of Prince Charming etc. I'll update you on that one when I make up my mind.

Have a lovely evening at your Club.

Best Regards Lorna

15 December 2013 at 16:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Lovely comment Lorna. I'm not an old grump or Grinch...honest!

The hats coming out again tonight :-)

You may have given me a lead in to something for my next post...

I may have said it before(and I may seem strange)but I have nearly 2000 Christmas tracks! I've never had so many but if you have new songs and different versions of favourites and mix them up with other music, they are fine and stop you saying "Not that again!"


15 December 2013 at 18:05  

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