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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Today I'm Staying Put...

and going nowhere...not up to doing anything. Come the afternoon I might be but I am fatigued out. I was supposed to be at the local Railway with a kind of friend but he likes to go a really early hour whenever he goes somewhere and often there is no need to be. I have since found out the event may not be free and cost close on £10 and is geared towards children as it is all centred around Santa Claus.

The main trouble is without your own transport, there is quite a long walk from the nearest bus stop or railway station to the museum and I just don't think I am up to it. Especially as I will have to do it again when I leave.

There is nowhere that you are able to sit and to be honest not many seats in the museum itself.

I may keep adding more to this post later.

Update:Just as well I made no attempt to go out, I have slept for another four hours so I must have needed it.

I am so behind on my Christmas cards that need posting. I think that I shall keep what I have for next year and buy New Year cards and the postage stamps will still be used...I just have four or five to put through letterboxes locally which I will do tonight or tomorrow and not need to use the mail service.

Unless I find addresses between now and Monday(as my address book seems to have be misplaced)

I have had something to eat...from the buffet stuff I brought home with me...some sandwiches of egg and then tuna. Still have much to choose from for later, I could look for some more reduced stuff but it may be a good idea to wait and see what is on offer on Christmas Eve or after Christmas in the sales but I won't benefit if the best sales are in neighbouring towns on Boxing Day because there is no bus service.

Its evening and "The weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful but since we've no place to go let it..." rain(there's no fire either)Its batten down the hatches weather.

I've had some corned beef, spring onion, tomato and mixed lettuce/spinach baps. I was going actually make the effort to watch some tv in the lounge but there isn't much I wish to see this evening so I am staying warm and cosy in bed, I have some catch up TV to see which I can do on the laptop. And the radio is on.

All I need(perhaps)for Christmas may be some bread and milk. Tomorrow its the bingo and turn night so I may put my new Christmas jumper on and if I have to walk or wait for a bus my Christmas scarf.

I don't know if its the weather but my left knee is giving me some problems at present and I think I have some tinnitus but that could be a side effect of the medication I have to take. But as my hearing is precious I am pleased that I use ear plugs when I go to any music event. Rare occasions that I do hear any music without them sounds so loud.


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