Friday...I took off for a bus ride to Richmond in N York's...just for the fun of it. But I couldn't find what I wanted and I stayed for less than an hour. Remind me to pick another day for actually attempting to see the market town and the river/castle.
I decided rather than standing around for the bus home I'd catch the bus en route and go to the end of its run and stay on for the return journey so I travelled to Colburn near the army town of Catterick.
On Saturday, the plan was to go to the neighbouring town of Bishop Auckland for a quick shop but I missed the bus by minutes so switched to another destination of Spennymoor rather than hang around and the journey takes twenty minutes less.
I decided to give in and buy some serving trays even though they were more expensive than I planned to spend but I liked the design and they all matched. Originally I was only going to buy one large tray but changed my mind.
It was a sort of Birthday present to myself and again I purchased whilst I am able.
I popped into the local supermarket there and its smaller than I remembered and the choice of ready meals smaller than another branch in Bishop Auckland. I found some nice meals(never the less)and if used wisely they were reasonable and should mean quick and easy meals either as they are or by adding a little extra vegetables etc...I can decide to leave them in the ready trays and save on washing up or rearrange them on a plate to make them look a little nicer. I have gammon and mash, minced beef hotpot, liver and bacon, chicken and mash in a red wine gravy/sauce and sweet and sour chicken with rice. There could be another but I forget what it was.
I found two lovely cakes in a range that I assume is exclusive to this supermarket and produced under Pru Leith's name. The plan was to take one to my Birthday tea later in the day but leave it for the person who had arranged the tea which flavour to use. Lemon or coffee and walnut.
They opted for the lemon cake but it wasn't used that night because it turned out they had purchased a chocolate caterpillar cake and there was still some left which I brought home.
My cake was kept back for last night which we had a mini buffet and shared at the bingo club and I took along some items I purchased at Richmond on Friday at a Bakers. They were not sausage rolls as such but looked like them...chicken and stuffing, apple and pork, cheese and bacon, some cherry tomatoes, cheese straws, crisps, cheese. I was able to bring some items home again and had them for supper and still have some I can use today. Nothing wasted.
It was a nice gesture to have a Birthday tea and I was sung "Happy Birthday" to me too.
The buses are running a bit strange lately and we find now where there is a time table they are supposed to follow...they don't. They are all virtually running by following each other and leap frogging each other along the route which also means that some buses are running late or earlier than expected.
On Saturday it was easier to come home via Bishop Auckland from Spennymoor than wait for the bus that comes here directly. It turned out I had the choice of two buses. And by the time I got to Bishop Auckland I was caught up by a third bus. Then for whatever reason the connection to my town had been missed so again I was having to wait for another half hour.
Then ten minutes later a bus pulled in with a different number/destination on it. If I hadn't paid attention I would not have seen it change its number and destination to the route to my town and it was the bus I thought I had missed but it arrived ten minutes late. So I did not have to sit around after all and I was only delayed by ten minutes in the end.
I must be feeling a bit more like myself as when I cam home I got interested in a film on the TV which I hadn't seen before.
And then as I say Sunday, I found I was able to stay in for most of the day and felt fine. My friends won at the bingo but I didn't have any such luck.
Ironically, once again I thought that I was a year older on my birthday(technically I was)but where I thought that I was 58 this year...I was actually 57 so I have gained a year.
I am sleeping better and not troubled in the night so perhaps I've turned the corner. The sun is shining but the weather forecasters are suggesting by the end of the day to expect, rain and gale force winds for today and tomorrow. The weather hasn't been particularly good for the last few days anyhow. It looks nice until you get out into it and find there is a cold breeze and its a battle walking into it especially if you are pulling a shopping trolley, use a walking stick and discover you need warmer clothes.