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Saturday, June 06, 2015

Good Days Still Coming...

I got the strimmer sorted and almost managed to get the front lawn cut but the cable on the strimmer was too short and some grass could not be cut. However, I boarded a bus and found a 45metre cable extension for the price of a 30metre one in another shop on my town. I didn't want to pay the money but it had to be done and the back garden is larger. So at least I gained 15metres for nothing. I hope its enough.

I only lost a bit of the strimmer line in the last minute of cutting the front lawn because I caught a bit of the hedge but very little lost, until then I'd lost nothing. I hope that I can manage the back garden as well. At least the cable extension will last me years and won't be overused.

Next year if I can kill off the moss/weeds and green the lawns I'll be happy. I can always plant up more tubs of flowers. It wasn't easy it just about killed my knees and legs. Walking around without support was very difficult but next time if I keep on top of it and pace myself  perhaps it will be easier. I may have a break from the garden tomorrow and have another go on Monday.

I found some sandwiches on the way home all well packed but reduced, almost a meal in themselves. I couldn't make them any cheaper myself.

I've listened to the radio and found an interesting programme about Barry Humphries who is best known for his creation of Dame Edna Everidge.


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