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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I'm Getting There...I Really Am...

It really was much much worse than this when I started. If I was to hurry myself along, the garden would be done by now and some of what is in these images is already cut and needs bagging. The lawn will look better when the application of weed/moss killer/lawn feed has been applied. The images can be enlarged by clicking on them. The left side is almost complete. 

There is a border down the left side and I have started pulling the grass out but looking at the image I'm now wondering if I should let the lawn grow upto the fence and do away with the border, after all it does mean no longer having to dig it over. I am clearing the path which the grass has grown over too. I will cut back the ivy on the fence on the right and then paint it again. I'll probably do the back fence too. But not worried if that has to be done next year.

Most of the work is right at the back of the garden, then to the right where the rockery is hidden and the bottom right. If I was fit or there was another person helping I think it could be done quite quickly now. But I suppose there's no rush. I could nip out and bag up some of the rubbish but that will only take a few minutes, it is easier to bag if left for a few days and it dies off. It takes less room too. I've also put some more cord in the strimmer. As I may've said before I'm debating whether to get a hedge trimmer. I can pick up one for around £22 which may be good enough for me. Not sure. 

I have slept better but think I had a nightmare but came out of it quite quickly and managed to go back off again. My last session of sleep started at 4.30am(ish)and I awoke at 8.30am(ish)which I think is quite good.

I've already tidied my bedroom so only have a small amount of stuff to remove from the landing and bathroom, that should only take half an hour. A change of shirt, a shave and that's me done. I'll leave the garden today. Weather permitting I'll get stuck in tomorrow.

I would have Breakfast but my fish and chips at 3pm will be a large meal so I'll leave room for that. Usually I have to leave some because there is too much but also I eat smaller portions these days.

I've contacted appointments as I had forgotten when my next appointment at the hospital is and happily its not until July 9th. That's actually the day after I am at the theatre seeing a mystery play. I hope all will be well. By then I'll have had a month of my vitamin/mineral regime under my belt and back on the fruit/veg.

So that coupled with finally shaking off the virus of May(cough/chill)and feeling more positive mentally that has to be an improvement.

Bargain of the week...nothing to do with any of the above. Simple things for simple minds, a set of decent scissors in a variety of sizes for as little as £1. The kitchen scissors cost the same. I tend to use nail clippers now for "personal" nail grooming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there not any way you could pay for a gardener for a couple of hours just to help you clear it? Or at least dig the border over for you? I know it's an expense, but I can't mow my own lawn due to being a wheelchair-user, so I pay someone £20 every 3 weeks to mow mine. When you break it down, that's less than £7 a week to budget for and put aside.

The thing is with gardens is that you have to keep on top of them at this time of year otherwise they just run away, growth-wise.

Why don't you look in your local paper and see if someone is offering gardening services? If someone can come in and really clear it all for you, then you will be able to keep on top of it all. :) You don't want to give the Housing Association any reason to move you, and if the garden looks neglected and overgrown, they may think you can't manage it.

If this was my garden, I'd get rid of the ivy, install new fence along that side, decrease the width of the border, edge it with stone edging, and plant easy-care shrubs along it, with some spring bulbs in front. :)


16 June 2015 at 22:47  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Good ideas :-) Front garden is sorted. Back garden almost. I'm quite chuffed what has been accomplished. The grass for all the sun and rain we're having is growing quite slow now.

When the lawn is greened up I think all will be well. If the weather stays fine I think I'll be finished by the weekend.

What you say makes sense, the grass seems to be taking 5-6wks to grow. And I plan to keep it low. Someone is offering an almost new Flymo hedge trimmer for £15 so that will mean(when the birds have hatched I can cut that too. I trust the seller. He has no hedge so doesn't need it.

The ivy will either be ripped out and continually watched for its return. Or possibly chopped or there is a weed killer for ivy and with few if any items where the ivy is, I doubt the weed killer will affect anything else.

Did I say I'm putting more flower tubs in the back garden? More bulbs and next year perhaps add some extra shrubs down the left hand side(there is three already)and someone has promised some lavender plants.

The strimmer and lop cutters(?)bags for the rubbish are ready to go for tomorrow. And I'll get back out there when the windows have been repaired. If its as warm/sunny as today I'll wear a big hat, my shorts, T-shirt and perhaps put some sun cream on. Make a day of it.

17 June 2015 at 00:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! You sound like you're getting on it with well. :) Yes, do take up the offer of lavender plants, they are lovely as a border edging. :)

I wish there was a way I could send you a photo of my garden - is there any way to do that privately on here?


17 June 2015 at 08:50  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, if you trust me :-)No comment you send is published unless I click the publish link. So you could send an e-mail addy that I can reply to and it will go no further. And perhaps an image could be sent that way?

The lavender might be better used as edging as you suggest, rather than as bed. I bet your garden is lovely.

I have a couple of shrubs in the wrong place and have been cut back so they are only stumps(don't want them any longer)so they will have to be dug out. Sawn down to ground level if that would work or someone said there is some kind of chemical that could be used to kill them off(?)

When they removed the trees they left the stumps(but quite low to the ground)but I wish those weren't still in the lawn.

Again I think someone said there is a preparation to get rid of them too. I'll have to look into it.

17 June 2015 at 11:09  

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