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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

What A Wild Night...

Torrential rain and strong winds but I slept quite well until around 7am and decided to get up then...I don't know why? I have no reason to be up that early. It still seems quite wild even though the sun is shining but for now its not raining.

I say I slept well. I don't remember any dreams. Or panic attacks...But I do seem to have kept waking up every couple of hours through the night but I turned over and went back to sleep quickly so that good for me.

I didn't bother much preparing any meals yesterday and just finished off what I had remaining of Birthday buffets over the weekend. Perhaps today I will bother, I'll decide later. I could go out but I may stay indoors until this evening. I think mentally I feel strong enough to do that and I don't fancy battling against the weather. I am not out until the Music Club tonight.

Perhaps I'll do some housework later(exciting eh?)I only have to get shaved.

Lazy? After my Birthday tea I decided that I can jazz some snacks and meals up with sauces and relishes so I purchased a few items over the weekend but I decided for ease and quickness I would buy some diced onion. It was there on Friday/Saturday and Sunday but when I tried to buy it yesterday they had none and there is no room for frozen onions in the freezer so in the end I had to give in and buy fresh onions and shallots and this time I shall have to slice them and stick them in my small chopper gadget in the kitchen. I can live with that I suppose. And they'll last a little longer I suppose if stored correctly.

I have some beef burgers and I just thought I'd add some onion when I cook them(I don't have burgers that often)and if honest I don't use onions a lot in my cooking and perhaps now is the time.

I was in the company of someone yesterday when they took a phone call and will respect their privacy but I could hear both sides of the call even though the person I was with with said very little and it seems there are such a lot of problems for many...

It came to light with the untimely death of a respected politician today who we have no idea what the reason is for his sudden demise though the media does like to harp back to problems he had perhaps had 10-15 years ago when he admitted a drink problem. We have no idea if this has anything to do with the tragic news today and to some extent I'm not sure that we have a right to ever know and remain private within the family concerned.

This person(not the politician)had an op last year but has been having problems lately and it was thought he had possibly a hernia issue so was sent for a scan. It sounds as though its something different and could be alcohol related as his liver is in distress. That can mean so much and we don't know how far down that route we are.

Whether the shock and reducing/stopping now will see it get no worse or recover. He has in the past worked in the trade which cannot have helped matters. I am checked for liver function every three or four months and have been for almost 18 years now but in my case its because of medication I am on. And I don't drink a lot of alcohol anyhow...I never have and its something I can live without.

I don't know how I'd react to such news. I know some find it really difficult to give up drink but I would hope that I could stop under such circumstances. In my case I only have myself to worry about but when you have a partner, a child, friends there is more than yourself to think about.


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