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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Slept Late But Still Thought...

Go for it. I felt achy but made myself get up. Once up, it was Tanfield "Here I come!"  My bag was packed, all I had to do was shave. I spent time looking at bus times on the internet. Then, looked out of the landing window and its raining. Quite a bit. Its a fair journey if you have to hang around without your own transport and the place is open land. So that idea has been knocked on the head. I will try again.

The rain means that I cannot switch my attention to the garden but I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow. Seeing that I have cut a lot of the grass and cleared some areas it could dry out quickly. Perhaps I can get a full day's work done. I can't put my lawn feed/weed killer down because the lawns have to be dry but the promise of rain within 24 hours or so of spreading it. Then its a case of watering it into the garden with a hose or watering can. The latter for me as I no longer have a hose and I always seem to have a problem connecting them to the taps they fit to the kitchen sink.

That always make sit a longer chore to water flowers and lawns and more so now when you are trying to hang onto a watering can with one hand whilst hanging onto a walking stick.

I may venture out but only for something to do to fill a couple of hours and that only gives the option of shops but you do stay dry in a shopping mall. Then again I may stay put.

I hope its better than this for next week's Last Night At The Proms concert in Darlington South Park. If I know in good time I can still switch to.the usual bingo.


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