Honestly I Am Making Headway...
but pacing myself. I bagged another four bags of rubbish today within an hour. That's sixteen so far. I was going out to buy ivy killer but want to see how much I have removed physically/what is left first. Its what's hidden under the lawn(ripping the ivy up/chopping it)Then I think I'll be using on this occasion a weedkiller, then when its safe, I'll give it a sowing of grass(I have no idea if it will match the other lawn but if its green and weed free that will be good enough for me. Another reason for leaving it is I want to see when I clear the bottom half of the garden whether the ivy has reached that far, It may not have and there may still be some grass. The hard work is almost over.
I shall then tackle the hedge in the front garden. I will paint/repair the fence
and keep it all tidy. Should I have to call anyone in, if its already quite tidy it will be easier for them and cheaper for me.

Amazingly, we've only approx three or four months to enjoy our gardens but at least mine will be finally OK and there will be very little to do when the Spring/Summer returns again.
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I keep looking at going out and doing a little more in the garden but I'll resist. Perhaps I will get "Stuck in" again tomorrow. Resting now. I'll pack a buffet soon for tonight, may change things slightly. Cheese, plum tomatoes, crisps, crackers, sausage rolls, cake. Not the ham baps tonight. Not sure if I have any butter in the house to butter the buns if I'm honest.
My biggest task will be to put the washing away and hanging my shirts and coats again. And put the cereals I purchased the other day in the cupboard with my other food items in my food store. I think I said that I was back to eating them again with fruit. Them and porridge. If I have a decent breakfast and perhaps have it later in the day I can cut out lunch.
Update:No win at bingo tonight, lots of sharing of food but lots came back with me and that means plenty of snacks for me...and I am having some for my supper.
If its fine early in the morning I think I'll see if I can get a few hours in the garden as again by lunchtime I have to be away for the afternoon session of...bingo. And its teatime when I return.
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