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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I Was Thinking Why...

did my food shop still cost me £9 yesterday. I had not purchased a lot but I had four 500g tubs of Clover spread in my carrier. They cost £4. However that's the equivalent of two 1kg tubs. And buying that way whilst they are on offer I saved almost £4 by not buying them in the larger size. And they will last around 4-6wks. So not false economy. That was a good buy. What an exciting life I lead.

This image would look better with the bagged rubbish and rubbish waiting to be bagged removed but I have finally started to clear the back corner and rockery. It needs rebuilding somewhat(my Father had built it as a dry stone wall)but that is something I'm not sure I will able to replicate. But at least the rockery is showing.

I was joined by a blackbird who was unconcerned about being close to me and he managed to find some grubs amongst the cleared ground to take(I assume)to young birds being raised nearby.


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