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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rain Stops Play...

Well perhaps it hasn't and the second day of the Regatta and the music concert will still be happening in Durham but the amount of rain that's been coming down in my town and I'm only about 12 miles away, I have every reason to believe that even if the rain stops the grounds will be sodden.

And yet I am still so tempted to make the effort and see if its still on. But I still have to get shaved and if I don't catch the next bus in an hour with Sunday service I wouldn't get to the concert in time anyhow. I'll accept today is cancelled. There will be other events to go to.

I hope the weather is better for them...The Durham Miners Gala, the Brass event, the street performers weekend are three for starters. And in Darlington, the Proms event which again is in the open.

Its hard to believe that by next weekend we will be almost halfway through the year and it will be the longest day, then we sadly start to see the days shorten again.

However, I think a restful Sunday at home may be a better idea. It certainly means the gardening is off for a few days until it dries out but with much of the grass cut that will happen quicker and the stuff that has been cut and has to be bagged will break down even quicker. If I'd known it was going to happen I could've had my lawn feed and weed/moss killer on the lawns as within a few hours you are supposed to have rain or water them with a hose/watering can.

No doubt we'll have more rain and by then if I have the whole garden clear it will do a better job. I may have enough but I may buy another box and it says that a second application may be needed.

I think I'll just listen to the radio, have a quick tidy round and prepare my buffet for tonight's bingo. That's as exciting as it gets for this Sunday.

I've had coffee, my vitamins and minerals and two bowls of cereal for breakfast(good to see that I am back to having that again)and a breakfast of sorts. Just have my meds to take now. I will probably not eat anything until my little buffet this evening.


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