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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Gave In And Purchased More...

stronger sacks for the garden rubbish that are larger/stronger and have bagged rubbish but now I'm putting two of the smaller bagged sacks into each larger one. Easier to move, fewer in total and in a way its a double bag so less like to split.

I think most of the big stuff will be cleared by Friday at the latest. Then its the little jobs. That bird box I thought was containing hornets/wasps...they are bees. So they can stay. They're not hurting anyone. Not really bothering me if I'm honest. If I leave the fence painting that's near them until after they go all will be ok. I can still do a fair bit of gardening. If the box isn't rotten my paint will protect but its not like creosote.

Too many sacks? Well, I have them for the future, they'll last. I'll probably go back to hanging a carrier on a door handle anyhow. Most of my rubbish is minimal and rarely food. Next year I'll consider a compost bin placed out of the way.

I don't do much clothes washing but I may fix up the washing line in the garden again and buy clothes pegs once more.

Not a lot planned for this Thursday but I may have a late breakfast and consider fruit and cereal(filling/tasty/simple/inexpensive/good)


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