I've Almost Missed Monday...
Sunday was non starter. I did stay home. I felt reasonably OK and still do. A little bit of something hovering around in the background but its not stopped me from sleeping or eating/listening to the radio/watching TV. So still on top of it.
No win at the bingo yesterday...I put a little buffet together but have plenty of stuff for me to use up back at home. So inexpensive, quick and easy.
I didn't win today but won a prize in the little raffle but no one chose the little peddle bin that was in the selection. I kept hoping my ticket would win but the person before me chose the bin and I was left with a bottle of Barley Water
However, she has two bins already and had actually bought the bin for the raffle so she did a swap with me. Its worth £5 as my day came out at around £7 with bingo cards/raffle tickets and a shared taxi home so I am only £2 out of pocket as its as if I had purchased the bin. I have something to show for it. As yet I haven't decided if I should use it in the kitchen or my bedroom. I don't throw a lot of rubbish out to be honest.
In the kitchen I usually throw rubbish out almost immediately or hang a carrier bag on a door handle and when full throw the whole bag into the wheelie bin. Its decades since I had a bin in the house of any kind.
I bought some more lawn feed and weed/moss killer in case I need to make a second application. If I thought of doing that I'd have purchased a box that covers 100metres(both boxes do 50metres)I might've saved some money with a larger box but I discovered they'd knocked £1 off the 50metre size so in reality I may've actually spent less in the long run.
I've had a night of listening to the radio...decided to have a ready meal of sweet and sour chicken with rice. As it heads to midnight I'll have a milky coffee and perhaps think of turning in for the night.
Tomorrow, I'll have another quick tidy round as I have been invited out for my meal in the afternoon(fish and chips)delivered to my friend's house for 3pm so I have to be out by 2pm to be sure I catch the last town bus which stops outside his house if I ask it to.
Then in the evening its a charity night at the music club I go to and they are raising money for the ward my friend was on in the hospital and we already have £800 so we could very well make it to the £1,000 mark. There's a cover charge this time and with the raffle included its very possible.
The following morning they are replacing some double glazing in my home that have failed and have condensation between the panes of glass. Another reason for seeing everything is reasonably tidy.

No win at the bingo yesterday...I put a little buffet together but have plenty of stuff for me to use up back at home. So inexpensive, quick and easy.
I didn't win today but won a prize in the little raffle but no one chose the little peddle bin that was in the selection. I kept hoping my ticket would win but the person before me chose the bin and I was left with a bottle of Barley Water

In the kitchen I usually throw rubbish out almost immediately or hang a carrier bag on a door handle and when full throw the whole bag into the wheelie bin. Its decades since I had a bin in the house of any kind.
I bought some more lawn feed and weed/moss killer in case I need to make a second application. If I thought of doing that I'd have purchased a box that covers 100metres(both boxes do 50metres)I might've saved some money with a larger box but I discovered they'd knocked £1 off the 50metre size so in reality I may've actually spent less in the long run.
I've had a night of listening to the radio...decided to have a ready meal of sweet and sour chicken with rice. As it heads to midnight I'll have a milky coffee and perhaps think of turning in for the night.
Tomorrow, I'll have another quick tidy round as I have been invited out for my meal in the afternoon(fish and chips)delivered to my friend's house for 3pm so I have to be out by 2pm to be sure I catch the last town bus which stops outside his house if I ask it to.
Then in the evening its a charity night at the music club I go to and they are raising money for the ward my friend was on in the hospital and we already have £800 so we could very well make it to the £1,000 mark. There's a cover charge this time and with the raffle included its very possible.
The following morning they are replacing some double glazing in my home that have failed and have condensation between the panes of glass. Another reason for seeing everything is reasonably tidy.
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