just hoping no bad news drops on the mat regarding my financial future and situation. I mean it will change anyhow when Mum's small savings come through and then I will have to reapply for help. But this concern is due to all the changes that are starting to take effect via the Government and yesterday they introduced their plans and ideas to change the way and how much the State Pension will be in the future.
They are talking of it being in place by 2017. Many from the scant details announced that managed to grasp what is going on are both angry, worried and scared going by the reaction in the media.
We'll just have to see, I cannot do much about it anyhow...too old and not enough time to save even if I wanted to. Its a fair bet anyone born now will not see such a thing as a state pension and many working now will have to work longer and pay more into the system which is difficult when all the basic but essentials keep rising(rents, food prices, utility bills, council tax and new charges keep being introduced)but wages remain frozen or are low, many jobs are temporary and often part time and are fewer so many more are chasing what is available.
And help for the unemployed, ill/disabled and those care for others see their help being reduces/taken away.
TBH I see it getting worse.
Anyhow...plans for today...have a nice meal(Liver and Bacon)with added vegetables(garlic, onion, leek, swede, potato, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, parsnip)
Washing day so may change bedsheets and wash some underwear,socks, thermals and shirts...
There is lots of talk about how quickly meals can be done in a pressure cooker to save on time and cost of energy. I think my slow cooker takes some beating but being able to cook items quickly on a hob could be handy and there is so much talk of how good pressure cookers are, I may pop out and buy one(they are on offer at present)so now might be the time to have one...
Then I have all I will ever need for my cooking of meals. They will probably outlive me or my being placed into care...of course some items I own have not been used yet, some are for when something breaks to save the cost of replacing as money will become tighter for many. Some items are not used, not because I don't want to use them but because the food is too expensive. I have a smoothie maker and a juicer but to get a decent amount of liquid out of either I'd have to buy so much fruit and veg, it is easier and probably cheaper to buy a carton in the supermarket.
I do own though...a food processor, two spare electric kettles, a kettle that works on a gas or electric hob, a juicer, smoothie maker, mini chopper(electric)an other that is hand operated, a spare toaster, A toastie sandwich maker, a hotplate, a grill, a small deep fat fryer, an iron, a steam cleaner, a spare small slow cooker, a larger one, a halogen oven, a steamer, an ordinary microwave and a microwave combi, a slow cooker, a cooker/oven and as I say I am thinking of getting that pressure cooker.
They don't all match but I have enough plates, dishes, bowls, cups, mugs and cutlery(more than enough)and three or four saucepans not forgetting some spare frying pans. sauce pans and woks.
I think I have covered all baises.
Entertainment wise though I have to watch how much energy I use I have my old second hand PC's(always worried they'll need repairing)this laptop(ditto)and though I still have to use them I have a spare PC monitor and a main TV. Oh and two DAB radio's.
I hope my fridge/freezer, washer and tumble drier last a good few years yet without the need for repair. I only have approx three years left on the guarantee.
So if I can at some point in the future afford to decorate, replace some carpets, get new beds and possibly a new sofa, curtains. I have the materialistic things. Just not the money to stay as warm as I like and buy food without wondering if I can afford it. OK I have a lot of items there but many were purchased over many years and also as an investment for the future when income gets even tighter. Also many items were on offer and are not top of the range or designer branded.
That was also why I bought plenty of trousers and had them altered so my wardrobe will last. Why I buy most of my clothes at the charity shop. Why I purchased quite a few sets of thermals and plenty of socks, gloves, scarves, hats,gloves and coats. Hot water bottles and electric blankets...all with the future in mind...and though I am not great at it I can sew a little so keep repairing the odd hole that appears, I am very much a make and mend kind of guy. What I own will be used as long as is possible.