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Friday, January 04, 2013

Political Again...

Often I'll criticise or praise all parties and put both sides of an argument and try to be fair but yes occasionally I give my personal opinion.

To be honest all the major political parties are similar and almost sing from the same hymn sheet. I dislike the spin and often misinformation that is put out in the media and a lot of what is said is not questioned and often ignored.

And during these austere times many will be hurting but certain people have been singled out often wrongly but if said often enough some people start to believe what they are told. I think the following two articles are worth linking to and giving them greater publicity.

Facts And Fiction On Welfare

Support For Benefit Cuts Dependent On Ignorance

Considering that this appeared in a newspaper with the reputation of not being kind to those who struggle and are in need of state help and portray many as scroungers this story is quite interesting.

Voters Think Dole Payments Are Too Low


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