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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

It Won't Be Good...

It will cost me money but how much more?

My landlord is visiting to tell me how much extra I will have to find to keep a roof over my head and I already suspect I will have to find at least and extra £25 per week(add the water rates)that will be approx £35 per week and of course this depends on whether the income I currently receive continues as it is. It will be tight but I could probably absorb the extra cost. Just have to do less than I do now. I am not looking forward to the visit.

Watch how much I spend on food, how much I eat and avoid using the heating too much, which is probably easier in the Summer time(if the weather is good)though I already use as little as possible in the Winter so that is unlikely to improve.

If I can ride out the next few years(and the Government does not pull the rug from under my feet)at some point the new ideas that are coming in and will cause harm too many(and most who claim help are working)will no longer apply to me but I have to be approx another 6 years or older. And there is nothing to stop them putting retirement age and other figures back still further.

They have already put retirement back from 65 to 67 and now they are talking of not paying the State pension until you reach the age of 70 so they are basically saying they expect you to work until you reach that age but without officially increasing retuirement age again.

Many pensioners are having to work to afford to live because the State pension is not enough so do you ever really retire?

And with jobs being less abundant people might say that this helps make it harder for those who are young and middle aged to find work.

The public has been led to believe that most of the welfare bill is taken by the unemployed but the real figure is around 3% and fraud is something like 00.3%.

Most of the welfare costs are due to the paying of pensions and looking after older members of society.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Have there been more improvements? If not what reason is there for a rent rise? Or does the Landlord pay all the utilities and Council? If he doesn't there is no reason for any rise except following inflation.

9 January 2013 at 11:37  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

David it all boils down to the new bedroom tax that is being introduced in April. If you live in what is now called Social Housing(used to be called council houses)but it will affect many even those who work.

Yet, if I was older, I probably would not be affected. I think the cut off point is around 60 years of age at present but they'll just keep putting the numbers back.

There is a shortage of smaller properties across the country anyhow.

They keep saying are not enough properties for families as well.

Even if you had a couple in one bedroom, a child in second bedroom and planned to use the third bedroom for another child you are planning on having or to use it as as a guest room for a relative to visit.

You would still have to pay for that room as they say it is unused.

Until your children reach puberty(especially if they are the opposite sex)they will still be expected to share a bedroom. So again you would have to pay for that room.

9 January 2013 at 13:26  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

If you could move to a smaller property it cost the Government more than staying put in a house with extra rooms but the difference is if you stay in a larger house you have to pay extra but if you move they pay the whole cost.

But what I might save would be lost if I need to use the buses and taxis to get everywhere. It might cost me more.

Here I am central to everything and can avoid the need for taxis and buses.

9 January 2013 at 13:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How far out are the smaller properties, would they be within your reach if you had a mobility scooter ?

9 January 2013 at 22:36  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

OK, a mobility scooter could actually go against me under the new rules but if it costs too much for insurance, repairs, charging up electric wise, a taxi or bus may be a better option.

Many properties are not suitable for the storing of a scooter.

Many parts of the town have no open spaces so you'd just be riding around streets of houses.

And many venues are not suitable for leaving a scooter outside the building.

So financially I will be worse off but even the person who called said if I can stay put I am in a better area, closer to everything and smaller propertoes are rare.

But again I was told I will always have a roof over my head. So that is something.

Catch 22 situation if you nothing you are seen as lazy and they tell you even if you struggle exercise is good for you even if mobility is poor.

Then on the other hand if you use a scooter or admit to trying to exercise that can go against you so you can be damned either way.

I'm not deleiberately putting obsticles in the way. The scooter might be a better option when you reach the official retirement age.

10 January 2013 at 06:01  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I know it is tough for many but my life will probably become even more basic. I will still ahve to on top of the extra money I have to find pay all the things everyone else does such as water rates, utility bills, food, insurance(and yes window cleaning and keeping the garden tidy)so I will be watching the pennies...

If I can watch tv via the net and avoid the TV licence that is another saving(small savings but it all adds up)

10 January 2013 at 06:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if you move to a smaller propert, insist you'll only go if there's somewhere you can store a scooter . How far are these properties from the central shops & general amenities in your town ? It would seem to me it would still be better to move & buy a mobility scooter, than stay put & pay higher rent, plus more for your energy bills etc. Otherwise you're just going to spend the next few years worrying until you reach retirement age.

10 January 2013 at 16:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its just that there is such a lack of smaller properties...if you are lucky you lose one room so still end up usually with two. And they charge more for the first one so little to gain.

You are still under occupying...we'll just have to see how things go.

10 January 2013 at 16:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you offer to move , and they can't find you anything suitable, how can they insist you pay for your empty bedrooms ? Why don't you at least put your name down on the list ?

10 January 2013 at 22:30  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its just the way it is and many will be affected.

Whether it could be tested in a court of law I don't know.

11 January 2013 at 11:12  

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