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Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Bit Of A Shock...

I have had a bill from my energy supplier and I don't see how I can cut back any further. As you know many of my meals are cold and if I do heat a meal it is nearly always in a microwave. Usually only one.

The washer is used perhaps three times in a month. I use the heating but often only for an hour and many days not at all. I heat the kettle using as little water as possible.

One energy saving lightbulb at night for safety and comfort, perhaps one DAB radio and a desktop PC. Again often turned off...

Yet they predict that by the end of the year allowing for VAT and changes in prices(and I am on a duel deal until October)that I will have spent £1,396($2,212). I seem to use such a small amount can I cut back any further?

And yet this bill dated for December is approx £31 which I assume will have been paid by direct debit in the early part of January so I am starting afresh. I hope.

If that bill is a guide, that would suggest that I am spending between £30-£50($48.17-$80.28)per month and that would come in around £360-£600($578.02-$963.36)annually. I'll just have to watch how things pan out and hope for no nasty surprises. They are suppose to give me a refund at the end of the year too.

Its going to get even tighter I fear...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gildersleeve
My combined electric and gas is £55 per month and I put washer on every day and heating sometimes 3/4 hours a day plus TV, Internet radio etc.
Just keep an eye on your direct debits that they dont put them up without your knowledge. They put my electricity payment up by £8 per month with no good reason that I could see so I emailed to complain. They put the paymentback to what it was.
I too get a rebate each year as part of my account.

10 January 2013 at 22:28  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you for that Heather,
I've told them not to raise the DD and they also said they won't but we'll see. They've had meter readings from me every month since I took out a combined fuel agreement.

They say that they cannot work out my average yet which could be true. I may as I think I can with the Bedroom Tax be able to absorb a slight increase but this keeps assuming my income stays the same.

But like everyone, if the income reduces or stops that really could mess things up.

And though I feel less pessimistic that letter or phonecall containing bad news could change everything in seconds. If thet goes well, I think I will do ok.

It won't be easy and it will be a very basic existence but could be done.

Its out my hands now...

11 January 2013 at 01:59  

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