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Sunday, January 20, 2013


Oh, I knew there was something I meant to mention when I was in the neighbouring town doing the cheap shops...not that I purchased much, I popped into a British Heart Foundation furniture shop(they deliver too)My chin hit the floor. Fridges/freezers, TV's, hi-fi's silly prices and the quality of furniture new and second hand(beds, tables, sofa's etc...)was so good.

Later in the year I may very well be down there buying items or replacing some of what I have...I was really amazed, even second hand items did not look as though it was.

The reason I made the effort to travel to an extra town was I reckoned by buying a day bus ticket I spent £7.30 but I could've spent that(probably more)on the return ticket to the theatre last night and that brought both journeys down to £1.80 each way. Even that journey normally costs £4.60(return)if I'd had the time I could have used the ticket even more and got more value from it. Its still too expensive but it is better value overall

I've been thinking of getting a pressure cooker but they are all so expensive and there is only me...its small and can only be used in the microwave it will probably be ok for me and it only cost £2.99.

My other few items were some vitamins(not available on my town)no dedicated health shop here. Some cheap cereal, biscuits, a Fray Bentos Chicken Pie, tinned mackerel and crisps. The crisps were lovely, a flavour I've not seen before in any local shop Cheddar Cheese and Bacon. When I got home I found a meatloaf half price(Pork, Beef and wrapped in Bacon)Peas Pudding to have with the ham I have in the house, some small bananas, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

I bought a small amount of chocolate last night before going into the theatre 4 bars of Cadbury's for £1(normally £1.75)which I will eat as a rare treat now and again.

All things that I can stretch and make quite a few meals out of so though initially I spent a bit when spread out it will come in at around £1-£2 a day for meals but I should still be able to eat well.

Update:The only thing I have been done on this weekend is the Ginger capsules I purchased but they will last 100 days so that's only 4p per day but no more of them I have a jar of ground ginger in a local supermarket for 49p. It would not be worth going back for a refund or to change them adding on bus fares etc...You always can learn something.

I can get all that I need on the town between at a fraction of the price except for one item. I'm going to very careful as some of my new vitamins have the effect of thinning the blood and could cause slow blood clotting but they have other benefits for the immune system and arthritis etc...but even garlic will help the blood and immune system too.


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