Local bands performed plus two sets from the Haley Sisters, Brian Smith an ace guitarist(he's married to one of the sisters and their "Dad" He's a character and also amazing.
There was also The John Wrightson Band who appear at the Music club I go to. It had just been John's Birthday so we had to have a Birthday cake didn't we?
The Jig Doctors made their first appearance. I have seen a fair few different combinations of the performers in this band over a couple of years. Another band with family connections, the guitarist and flautist are Father and Son. They have played at my club but not for some time.
And a regular favourite of many music clubs in the area(mine included)John Weighell.
It was icy and a flurry of snow had obviously fallen when I arrived. Its amazing what a few miles can do. But all acts got to the venue safely and home again. If I had access to a car or public transport was better I could get around to more venues(sometimes free)often were not talking of big distances.
There is a "Free" music event on Sunday evenings as in 23 miles(probably quicker if the bus takes a more direct route)but on a Sunday...there are no buses. I don't think that they have any running locally for people who live there either.
I was given a lift home(that saved on the taxi fare)Also a very kind gesture, much appreciated. We were well fed at the buffet too.
Desktop is still refusing to fire up. I may go looking around some of the computer shops this weekend to try and get clued up what I need and should be thinking of spending.
I may be able to find some second hand refurbished desktops
* But if I have to splash out I may do the whole lot and buy a laptop and a tablet. We'll see.
Update:Nothing written now affects what I have previously said and I have only added some extra stuff(and images that I promised)
I don't like parting with the money and am lucky to have enough to buy a replacement computer. I think I may've had to use the credit card otherwise but I like to avoid doing that especially if I end up paying extra in interest. I believe we've found a suitable laptop. Not expensive but not cheap. My repairman thinks the failed desktop may by in need of a power unit(if that is all)and its not throwing money after bad that is again a cheap solution for now.
He doesn't rate tablets. However, if I had one I could surf the net when travelling on my bus journeys and use free Wi-Fi. It also takes images, plays audio and video files amongst other things. Easier to take with me than a laptop but larger than a phone.
There is one(not many left)on offer at a popular supermarket, well priced(saving of £30)so as I am having to spend I am debating if I should go that extra mile.
I'm having the rest of my chicken casserole as a late supper. I stayed in almost all day but wondered if I could see any of the computers in the shops on the town. That's how I found this
I picked up a catalogue from Argos to see what they have and that was in any case where I was thinking of buying this
computer from and my repairman thinks its as good as any available. Still falls short on a couple of technical matters but that's par for the course these days with most manufacturers and products they make.
These pages and models will eventually disappear but at the date I am writing they are online.
*Repairman doesn't have any at present and says they are less popular these days but I still like them.
I purchased a Lucky Dip in the Euromillions on Friday and had a little win. Hoorah! Small is the word...£3 so I can take all of the win or buy another ticket and have the remaining £1 in my pocket.