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Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Very Quiet Day...

I stayed indoors. It has not seemed a bad day weather wise. I had a portion of my meal cooked in the slow cooker. It looked like a thick soup if I am honest. It tasted fine even if not the greatest looking meal. Perhaps I will post an image tomorrow. And yes I can survive on the portion I served up. So a small amount can go a long way.

I was thinking of popping out for some fresh vegetables earlier in the evening but looked at the weather and thought what difference will fourteen hours make. I'll perhaps sort that out tomorrow. I stay in again if I am honest,

I decided early this morning to watch a musical Bye Bye Birdie...a film from 1963. I know some of the songs. I have never seen it. It was OK and seeing I had made the effort I stuck with it but if I am honest...I did not enjoy it.

As old as it is when it started the film was blocked from the BBC's internet streaming service and I could not be bothered to go downstairs and watch it on TV. I suddenly decided to do a quick search online(and I'm a novice)and I found it on line at a popular site(I expect it will be removed in time)but I just watched it there.

The songs I know and quite like are "Put On A Happy Face" "Kids" and "Such A Lot Of Livin' To Do" Taken me 52 years to get around to seeing it.

I guess I'll have some coffee and toast now. And see what tomorrow brings.

Update:Here is an image of my promised. It is thicker because I allowed the potato to become absorbed into it rather than having it next to or placed on top after being served up.


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