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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

More Possible Joy?

I'll have to double check but it would appear that my electric and gas usage is well down compared to previous years and similar households in the area but I also weighed myself for the first time in months and I had clothes and heavy slippers on at the time but it looks as thought I have lost the stone(14lbs)I was trying to shake off.

If I have, the fact that I was wearing all the that extra stuff it could mean that I weigh less than that which would be great. I have been trying for so long and it seemed an impossible task. That means I am around the 10st(140lbs)mark.

I'm about to have coffee at this hour and play some Facebook Games. I haven't checked the thermometer in the bedroom but it does seem quite warm(and that's without any central heating being used)

*Who generally uses heating through the night anyhow and we're told bedrooms should be cooler and if in bed, you'll be warmer anyhow. If it was cold I'd use it via the timer especially for the room I am in. If I was getting up at a regular hour I'd set it to take the chill off so its OK when I rise for the day ahead.

*Thought about going out to get what I was unable to and pay that money into the bank but there's always tomorrow. 24 hours will make little if any difference. I'll do more housework later and then tonight its a buffet and turn at our music club(its someone's birthday)and he pays for a party when it comes around.

*Added later(It seemed easier to extend this post rather than write another)and it hasn't really altered the original content of the blog entry.


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