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Saturday, January 09, 2016

I Was Seriously Thinking Of...

going out by myself to the club I do on Sunday on Friday evening but stuck with the original plan of resting and watching TV via the internet. That's the same plan for Saturday at present.

I may put some images up of my meals like I used to...exciting huh?

Think I'll have coffee and some toast, a late midnight snack.

Update:Its a wet day...again. Snow has stayed away for now. I've slept well. It does seem mild for all the weather is not very nice. Caught up on a fair bit of TV.

I did slip out yesterday to put a little money in my bank to cover bills just allowing enough time before it closed but I was prevented by my politeness and being stopped by two people who wanted to chat on my way there. So I'll do that task on Monday. As the supermarket is next to the bank I thought I'd pop in and buy my coffee.

I came out with nothing and remembered the coffee once home, Its an age thing.


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