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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Feel A Bit Yucky...

I have a touch of earache, a blocked ear(so I'll guess/hope)that its wax and one of those sore throats that hurts when you swallow. Therefore its been a mainly duvet day.

But I will amble out this evening and get into some company. And then hopefully be much better for tomorrow and my theatre show in the evening. I left it so long to book I am in the dress circle but I have become used to being in the stalls so it will be a bit strange.

Tomorrow I will go to the offices of the local free sheet of the town and place a notice in memory of my Father who passed away 32 years ago on February 1984 so long ago...that will be the first time his name will have been seen in all that time. Where did the time go? I am almost the age he was when he had to leave.

Update:Picking up a little and feeling more myself. Off to get dressed and shaved.


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