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Friday, January 01, 2016

Happy New Year...

It passed quite well, I didn't feel maudlin(if that's the right word)I don't like getting older and having more years behind me than in front. You can't change that and its life. But I felt OK on my own. I was cosy and warm in bed. I slept a little. Listened to the radio. I did have a very small buffet and a can of Strongbow Cloudy Apple Cider(that's new to me)and I have to say I really enjoyed that. It was not overpowering. I'll have another of those. I slept reasonably peaceful through the night(though my joints were a bit painful)its lovely when sleep comes.

I'm at the back of the house but I did not hear anyone in the early hours and the very small fireworks display really was so small it was like a damp squib. It really was practically nothing. Its been quiet around here for years but I do believe this years was quieter than that if possible.

As I wake on this new day of a new year I feel quite happy and positive so I'll take that and run with it. I will potter around at home I have nowhere to go(I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to)I don't think there's a great deal on the TV so again it will be radio listening.

I'll snack a little. Heat up a beef casserole for tea. I think I said the following already but I will probably stay home until my Sunday night at the little bingo club.

I tend to think if I feel comfortable enough to be in my own company and at home I am in a good place.


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