Someone Knocking At The Door, Somebody Ringing The Bell...
I did get to the food festival in Bishop Auckland yesterday and purchased some lovely items from the stall run by my friends The Ginger Bread Mam. Well pleased and stocked up on goodies. It was perhaps a little quieter yesterday because of the weather but with access by car restricted somewhat and Sunday bus service that must work against its success.
I mean the earliest bus from my town is approx 10.10am. Luckily there are buses home after the event but only just and if you wanted to stay a little longer its difficult to do so. An example? I was all done by 4pm. The next bus home was 5pm so you have to hang about in the open in a deserted area where buses drop off/pick up. Last bus home by the way is 6pm.
So rather than sit alone(perhaps that is also a major clue why buses are few)filling in an hour, I caught a bus at 4.20pm to Darlington and connected to a bus that comes through my town and after 6pm is the only one that does hourly until approx 10-11pm. But that one again does not go to Bishop Auckland. I was not home any quicker doing the detour and added 7 miles to my journey(and still had 15 mins to kill)between bus changes but it filled the time and I was warmer on the bus.
I had a chat with my friend and got some goodies I will post an image later. But one item has gone already...some delicious ginger fudge. Everyone wanted a piece last evening at the bingo club and the "Ladies" near me were blokes(not even me)they all wanted more.
I have a ginger beer, ginger jerky, ginger pookey(that's like cinder toffee with a twist)some ginger syrup, ginger and rhubarb syrup, upside down cake, ginger parkin.
I made some chicken finger rolls for my group at the bingo club and they seemed to go down well, we were missing two people so I gave one away and she was most appreciative and I gave her a piece of the fudge.
I may have to continue to include her in future, we'll see. I finished off some items that remained when I came home(Cheese and tomatoes)
One criticism of many events like the food festival is a lack of seats for people that are infirm and though not ideal I took a picnic rug which I spread out and sat down on for a while to rest my legs. I may have to invest in one of those fold away chairs at a future date but they are not easy to carry around with you and are quite heavy.
I have haven't eaten yet(have slept a lot)but may make a quick chicken roll again...its easy and I still have some to use up. No, I didn't win at the bingo.
The weather is(typically)better today.