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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

I Have Had A Talk With Myself...

And today and tomorrow its work, work, work and no excuses for wasting time. Household I may be missing for some time...

The only good thing is that I actually bothered with breakfast and had approx two bowls of Honey Loops, a banana and semi-skimmed milk to set me up for the day(approx 336 calories)

Right, I'm away...

Six hours later...Not doing too badly, having a little some pain but needs must...I will start again in approx half an hour and hope I am finished by 7pm and I go to the Music Club...if not I will complete the task when I come in but I don't think I can get anything else in the wheelie bin and it is not taken until next week so anything that remains will have to go into the outhouse and my visitors on Thursday will have to understand...I hope.

A quick dust and hoover tomorrow and I can do no more...But the house is tidy and uncluttered as it was anyhow. I have been literally having a spring clean and clearing out cupboards so nothing was originally on show anyhow. But when you do have a clean sometimes things do get a little messed up.


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