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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Bit Miserable Around Here Today...

The weather has been dull but I have yet to see the signs of the pollution and sand that has reached the UK from the Sahara that many areas have experienced and the earthquakes/tsunamis that have affected South America so I guess dull is good.

I am tired and my joints are hurting but I have to keep going with the expected visit tomorrow from the Housing Association. If all is well I shall rest as soon as I possibly am able after they have been.

Paid my TV licence today. I was debating whether I wanted to and view via catch up online which is free but that loophole will be closed sooner or later and at approx 40p a day with a license, it is still good value for the amount of radio and TV available.

I discovered the other day one kilowatt of electric gives me 31 hours of use on a laptop but only 4 hours of TV watching so though  I have a TV I watch most TV online these days(well those channels that I am able to)


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