I Went To Bed Thinking...
Suddenly, if the weather is nice(and it is)I'll drag myself to Whitley Bay and see the sea and the new promenade that has been designed and built as they try to invest in the area again after some years where the area has been neglected. And then morning came and I slept...and slept...and slept. And you know what? If my body says I need that rest...I listen and say if that's what it is telling me I'll do it. I decide at the time, all plans are negotiable.
Tomorrow the plan is Durham Market Place and helping out with the save the NHS campaign again but we'll see. Next weekend we have the food festival locally and...next Sunday if I attend another memorial service which means a lot because of Mum and Dad of course but I have attended at least six possibly more since so I will decide when Sunday comes...I may go to the food event both days or choose one over the other. Or miss the whole thing...depends how I feel.
So its Good Friday...in a kind of reflective mood...I often am and perhaps the religious slant on the day increases that even more...not sure...
Perhaps I'll make the journey to Whitley Bay or somewhere else next week...perhaps I'll stay inland, watch this space as they say...
The slight blocked nose/cough/prickly throat may not be a cold...I never got hay fever but it can start at any time in life and I think perhaps that's what it is. The disadvantage is that probably all medications I can take for relief is probably not ok if you have kidney disease and are on strong meds anyhow.
So my thoughts turn to food and I guess as its Good Friday I will go along with a "Fish Dish!" Deciding if I will go with salad, vegetables and potatoes or something else.

If I go to a second course(not something I do that much)I am thinking ice cream and strawberries. If I go to a third course perhaps I will have cheese and biscuits.
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