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Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Sun Is Out And I'm Indoors...

Well, where am I going to go? Locally,  its shops, shops and more shops. I don't want anything and again I don't want to attempt to walk too much at present though they say walk through your pain and there's the rub, if you walk too much they'll say "There's nothing much wrong with you" So you can't win.

I'm thinking though I have little hair its time for a haircut. So that may give me an excuse to go out later. If I had full movement of my left arm and could see what I am doing at the back I'd do it myself but I manage approx 3-4 months between haircuts so it could be worse I guess. If I don't go out there is always tomorrow.

This afternoon there is supposed to be someone coming to look at and repair the taps on my bath and wash basin. It could be early or late, I don't know. That's another reason why going out somewhere is not possible today.

I have had a credit card arrive(I don't use them much these days, haven't the income to spend and I prefer cash where possible. It follows on from the problems of the other day which I posted about paying advance telephone line rental on my broadband. Next time its due I may consider going to to fibre and that will save me some money on the telephone bill but what puts me off is then I don't have a way to make phone calls unless everyone is on a service like Skype etc...I only have a few people that phone me or that I need to be in touch with so probably could give it up.

That's why I rarely use my mobile phone or have not invested in something like an I-Phone. The extra features look wonderful but not essential for me. Another reason why I have not invested in an I Pad device.

I had my meal last night but over microwaved the rice a bit but was still OK. Had nothing so far except a coffee but will think later what to have, I may have some sandwiches from the election in the fridge.

I have said it before but there may be some meals I have yet to try and may like if I tried them but I am not a fussy eater but I have definitely decided that pasta in any of its forms is something I will not purchase again. I am just not a fan. I don't think I shall be buying tapioca or semolina either.

Update:The plumbing is being done(arrived around 1.45pm)and a little extra and a few minutes ago the repair to the roofing felt on the garage/outhouse was also put right. The plumber has done some extra work in the kitchen whilst here. So I may still get out for that haircut.


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