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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Amazed Where I End Up...

I have walked past the Quakers Meeting Place in Darlington often over many years, tonight I found myself inside.

Friends Meeting Place Skinnergate Darlington

Why? Because of the following...

Bruce Kent talk against Trident in Darlington 2014 April 23.

Firstly we were entertained by the following duo, sadly I missed their names. Real talent and a lovely choice of light classics and religious music, all familiar to me and some bringing back memories of childhood but memory means I have forgotten the names of many that were played.

Musical Interlude before talk given by Bruce Kent in Darlington 2014 April 23.

The man himself...Bruce Kent has given so much of his life to the cause of nuclear disarmament and still is going around the UK giving a powerful message which is compelling and in particular the closing down of the Trident weapon programme in the UK.

Bruce Kent Talks against Trident in Darlington 2014 April 23.

Last night he was in Sunderland, today he was in Durham Market Place(unknown to me)and tonight Darlington. Quite an itinerary for anyone of any age but Bruce is...84 years old.

Bruce Kent speaks out against Trident in Darlington on a tour around the UK 2014 April 23.

I would have liked to stay behind and speak with him but once again I had to dash to be sure of getting home via the bus service that exists...but I am very glad that I did go and listen to someone I have been aware of for most of my life.


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