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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter To Those...

who pass by my blog...and this time of year has a special meaning and for those who have no faith I still send my best wishes for a peaceful and reflective time spent with family or to those who are alone.

Its been another quiet, sleepy day looks a bit chilly outside and the sky is colourless. I could do with some salad items but I am not venturing out...should've purchased them yesterday when I had the chance. I don't need them, there will be a little buffet tonight at the bingo club and if I am still hungry I can have something when I come home.

Last night it was tomato and beef rolls. Today its been a couple of fancy yogurts...perhaps tomorrow I'll do a meal that could be seen as associated with Easter with some turkey. I don't have any Easter eggs/Easter cakes but probably can still find a little treat to have with a cup of tea or coffee if I search through my food store.

I have some raffle tickets for tonight but not sure if I'll be lucky or what will be there prize wise. We're told that there is a good turn for the entertainment slot...we'll see. Its supposed to be half of a duo that appeared on the tv series The Voice. I would not know as I do not watch it. Also, these past few weeks the numbers have been down and the acts have been playing to a sparse crowd and even the prize money in the bingo etc...has been less.

I'll chuck some rubbish out later, its bagged just to be moved to the wheelie bin. Have a quick shave and I'm ready. I'm probably missing some event somewhere but haven't seen anything advertised and things pick up again next weekend. Also some monthly afternoon concerts start up again on the last day of April.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you too

20 April 2014 at 19:40  

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