I've found a way to get rid of my grass cuttings(if slowly)The laying down of fabric on the lawns has been delayed. I'll explain why later in this entry.
Thursday and Friday I had my supermarket shopping done early on the morning between 6am and 7am and it felt great being up and about at such an early hour. The weather was sunny and quite warm too.
OK I had not emptied my wheelie bin in a month but lots of rubbish was got rid of on Friday. Being up so early and with a few tasks completed I even went back to bed for a few hours.
I'm still generally in a good place emotionally.
Some people feel that vitamins and minerals are a waste of time but I take some even though hopefully you should get all you need from your meals via fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. I don't take many but today(well Saturday)I found some bargains.
A new vitamin/mineral tablet on offer in a reputable retailer which has more of both in their tablets(or possibly capsules)which means I can drop some that I have been buying. That saves money. It is on promotion so is half price at present(that saved me approx £5)then because I purchased other items on a three for two offer I saved another £5 so it was like getting one item for free. The other item contains ginger, glucosamine and Chondrotin but it also includes items I usually buy seperate such as fish oil and again I no longer have to do that. Therefore I am saving money again.
So I am quite happy how that has turned out. Whilst the promotion is on and I can buy at half price and in theory get one one item for nothing I may buy some extra, Its worth the overall saving.
What I am now taking
What I have dropped
Debating what I can weigh the garden fabric down with, I need stones so may have to raid my rockery for some. Its been suggested I get myself a trowel for planting my flower bulbs or a bulb planter that I can use when standing up. So I may look into that in the next day or two.
I think that there will still be some of the oven/grills I was after in the shop so I will possibly buy that on Monday after I have been to the afternoon bingo. Buying the vitamins at the weekend meant that I had no reason to go out later in the day on Friday so I did not buy the lottery ticket either. I probably wouldn't have won so saved a couple of quid.
Saturday I traveled to Durham, a little later than planned but I was there by lunchtime. I caught the tail end of a street performer but some are appearing again later today according to the website but it would seem that they have changed the plans. The next act had to cut his performance short due to a really heavy rainstorm. That's when I went shopping and found my vitamins etc...when I returned the next act had been on and almost finished. I settled down and watched the remaining acts.
Many of them are calling into Durham on the way back from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the two countries that seem to have the most "Street" entertainers are from Australia and the US.
My favourite act was Adorkable Derek from Texas in the US. He was a comedy mime act, he worked with members of the audience, adults and children and ended by climbing a very high pole and doing various dangerous acrobatic stunts.
The event in Durham has been going for around nine years and I think I have been attending the last three or four. Before that I had no idea of its existence. I hope to be there again today.
Its the bingo night and with buses running a Sunday service its fortunate that the entertainment is starting a little later but coming home I may virtually be walking through my door and going back out again. So I may have to prepare my buffet early in the day before I go out and keep it in the fridge or somewhere cool. And grab it when I get home. Its mostly easy(no preparation)Crisps, crackers, tomatoes, cheese, cake so all I have to do is some quick sandwiches/buns. That's what will take the time.
Think I'll have another coffee and a couple of hours sleep and then get ready for another interesting day.
Update:The weather stayed fine all day in Durham on Sunday, quite warm too. I got myself a good view too. The votes were counted at the end of the day and considering the variety of acts over the weekend of which many were physical demanding my favourite mentioned earlier came in at second place. So I'm not a bad judge.
Third place was taken by an escapologist who only appeared today(one performance)and an African dance/acrobatic group came first but again they only appeared today so audience figures may've been swung by the numbers present today so for Derek to get second place from appearing yesterday he did very well.