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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What An Inexpensive Week...

regarding purchasing of food or meals. Simple can sometimes be OK. It also helps not overeating by snacking or having smaller portions. Even if you enjoy your food. That's not such a bad thing. It can also help that occasionally you are alright eating the same items for a few days at a time.

Today started(Well, I'm really talking about Tuesday now)earlier than planned. I awoke after I assume dreaming something unsettling and that cause some anxiety. So I actually got up around 4am, Had a coffee and a little snack. The day improved from then.

Plans changed and I did little of anything at all. We had another good night at our music club. Numbers were down a little but that changed nothing, Sorry to see the nights drawing in already and it being dark so early.

I thought that I may have something for supper* when I came in but I feel OK and think that I shall wait until tomorrow now. I'll probably mess about on here awhile longer and have another coffee. I've had plenty of sleep so again I'm OK on that score. Debating whether to stay close to home on Wednesday or whether to get out and see where I end up. Nothing planned.

Shopping is out unless you include the oven/grill I mentioned in an earlier post. Otherwise all I need is some medicated talcum powder, medicated cream of some kind, glucosamine tablets and bleach for the house. Which for me is quite a small amount.

*Found myself nibbling at plum tomatoes.


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