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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Its A Happy But *Unexciting Tuesday...

I'm feeling good, Mind is behaving and the knee issue is almost sorted. No inflammation, virtually no tenderness. The sun is missing outside but its warmish. I have some tasks to do around the house(light housework)and not much else.

If I am Missing in Action hopefully its nothing more than the day going by very slowly.

Update:Still in a good place. The weather is OK, its dull as we reach 5pm and cooler. I've tidied upstairs...again. It became untidy when I looked for lost payment cards last night when I wanted to pay my bills off.

I don't feel particularly hungry but probably should have something to eat. I could make a meal from scratch, I could combine a ready meal with other ingredients but I think I shall just get a ready meal out of the fridge and have it as it is. Its food, I can do it in the microwave in minutes. Save on the washing up, save using the main oven and it only cost me £2. The other day someone said you've spent £18 on ready meals!!! But that's 9 meals, that's only £2 per meal. I haven't eaten them all yet nor had them one day after another. And if they last across a month and are supplemented with other meals I don't think that is too bad.

*Unexciting can be good. Being content takes some beating.


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