Wishing You All...
Its been a quiet day...it was so cosy in bed I stayed there until late in the day. Then dragged myself to the shops, it was busier than Christmas and though they are open again tomorrow, shelves were empty.
I treated myself to a lottery ticket and a cheap TV listings magazine and my computer magazine. There was a new supermarket magazine available and it has lots of good reading about healthy ways to enjoy the New Year and some lovely recipes that even I can manage.
I bumped into my repairman and its not looking good for the laptop but I will keep my fingers crossed. If anyone can get it working he will but he's admitted he's struggling.
I hope to put together a little buffet for New Year it will be simple and easy(if I don't eat something I can have it tomorrow)and will. It sounds grander than it sounds. I will have some ham and peas pudding buns using some mulled wine ham(probably open)egg mayonnaise buns(similar)cherry tomatoes, mini pork pies, mini beef pasties, my leek and pork sausages cut into little pieces, pickled onions, fruit cake, cheese, crisps, cheese biscuits, cheese straws, mince pies, chutney/pickle. I did not bother with the salmon. Many items were reduced/on offer.
I would have liked to have made some cocktails or looked for my bottles of booze in the outhouse but cannot be bothered and its cold out there. So I may just have a can of cider to bring in the New Year. If I can find any vodka I may go for a lemonade and vodka.
This year its all put up in food containers to keep everything fresh and stop it drying out so it does not look very fancy but I'm quite happy with how its turned out and it was all put together quite quickly.
I'm sitting here when I am supposed to be watching the fourth film in the series of Indiana Jones and I have missed twenty five minutes already. If I'd had my laptop I could've been watching that whilst writing this or if my TV was fixed up in my bedroom I could be both here, another job for next year.
I found myself watching another John Wayne film earlier co-staring Henry Fonda "Fort Apaché" and later I plan to watch an old Ealing comedy "Kind Hearts and Coronets" I could very well also find myself watching an old Carry On film that I seen a few times "Carry on Camping". Somewhat different way to bring in the New Year to years gone by.
It seems a little warmer indoors but not sure if that's the weather improving or I'm better at wrapping up well. Eating more regularly, hot drinks, moving around a bit more all helps.