Late last week my friend in hospital was given virtually no chance of surviving through the night but days on he's looking happier and seems to be improving once more. So much so I may be visiting him soon. But it will be a long journey back to health. He needs a nurse with him 24/7.
I have purchased another runner which I have placed on the landing and later today I think I shall be buying another. They are hiding the old carpets for now but they will protect any new ones I have laid later in the year.
They are flat so I am very unlikely to trip over them. So there are no safety issues.
I had a small win at the bingo on Sunday but I had to share otherwise I would have been £2 in pocket but the win meant the night only cost me around £5.
I found out too late that on Saturday in Durham's market place there was a celebration of the Chinese New Year with a dragon and dancers, had I known I would've made the effort to see the event, its something I have never seen and I am told that there was another event in Darlington even closer to where I live. Perhaps next year I'll get the chance.
Yesterday I had a small shop(that's when I purchased my runner)and found some nice items but I discovered that a baker was selling their potato and corned beef pasties and I suddenly decided I quite fancied one for my evening meal with perhaps baked beans and potato wedges but they had to bake some more and by the time I got back to the shop after a hold up they had closed so I may buy them today. They are good value at present because you can buy two for £1 instead it costing £2.24 for two.
I ended up having chicken sandwiches. I have said before when I see the price of meat I often baulk at the price but when spread over a number of meals and worked in with ingredients it is not to bad especially if you do not waste it. If I have a pasty for lunch I will have potatoes, chicken, vegetables and gravy for my main meal followed by a dessert in a pot(so easy)or fruit pie with custard. I'm still making an effort and I do like my food.
The weather has not been very good over the last few days, heavy rain, some snow and a bitter wind. But its still Winter after all and good heavens what should we expect. In reality in my location its been mild(if a bit cold)snow hardly stayed around, the worst time probably was a four of five days where ice refused to thaw which if you "have" to go out is bad for all especially if you have to walk, worse for the elderly and infirm, luckily I did not have to and though some laugh, having a store of food, milk, tea and coffee and at a push able to make bread not forgetting to have a flask of hot water in case the electric went off, I was ready for just about everything.
As Monday evening progressed it became quite windy and since the upgrade to the heating system when the wind blows it gets quite noisy in the airing cupboard next to my bedroom(any bedroom) where the combi boiler is located and the same in the chimney. If you have the sound turned up on the radio or computer(not that loud)sometimes its hard to tell if its someone knocking at the front door downstairs or just the wind. It can get a bit annoying.
Update:Its a bit wet
, windy certainly but the noise inside the house has stopped, pasty is on hold. I'll buy the runner and my TV magazine on the way to the music club as I go for the bus as I pass the shop on the way for my bus and when rolled up its easy to walk with. I can even put it a kind of carrier bag. And I get a ride home in a taxi at the end of the night.