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Friday, February 13, 2015

One Of Those Boring...

filling in time kind of days. No reason to go out so I stay in or take a trip just for the sake of it. In theory I can wait until tomorrow, seems pointless.

I may decide to have a meal later similar to yesterday's changing it slightly by having sliced gammon with baked beans and rostis or potatoes.

I might've liked to have had strawberries and ice cream to follow but couldn't find any yesterday in town(I assume Valentine's Day may be the reason)That was the reason for going out, that and also an egg slicer and milk but is it worth the trek.

Update:I gave in I'm afraid...struggled to Tesco's and Aldi's at the bottom of my street. I found Strawberries in Aldi's(last few boxes)a rare event I decided to buy a lucky dip in the Euromillions draw and milk in Tesco's. I found a egg slicer(a posh one)in metal but I'm not paying £4 if I can help it. I'll look for a cheap one in a pound shop.

Now I have a date with a hot water bottle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. Stay in, keep warm and rest. :) I always ask myself do I really need it or do I just want it, if I'm thinking about going down the town for just one or two things.

You talk about filling in the day - are you bored by yourself at home? Or is it that you just want a change of scenery/get fresh air/want the company of people around you?


13 February 2015 at 20:38  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hi There...I'm doing alright :-) But you'll see that I gave filled an hour. And contrary to what I say in the update I'm OK really snuggled up in bed.

I used to say and it was true for many years I could sit on a chair for hours with nothing to do and not be bored. It was true. And no doubt will be again.

If all is well and the weather picks up and I can keep enough income to do a few "nice" things I'll get some days out or perhaps take off for a mini holiday.

13 February 2015 at 21:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I should add that I do count my blessings and if I can do any of what I suggest when many are unable to I am very fortunate.

13 February 2015 at 21:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I must admit I tend to hibernate during the winter. :) My hot water bottle is my constant friend at the moment! ;)

Have you thought about doing an Open University course or something, at home, so you don't get bored? I hate the "filling in time" days, but fortunately I only experience them when I am having to wait in for someone, like maintainance on the house or something, when they don't give you a time for when they'll arrive. And you have to wait in all day and can't plan to do anything...drives me mad. ;) But I try and utilise those days by doing housework and clearing out cupboard, etc. :)


14 February 2015 at 10:08  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Funnily enough(and I'm not just saying this)an Open University course had crossed my mind too.

Today is going well :-) Except my NHS campaigning failed. A bus failed to turn up and the next was twenty minutes late, I arrived at my destination to see everyone packing away so it was a wasted journey. It was and it wasn't...explanation in the next post :-)

14 February 2015 at 16:09  

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