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Friday, February 20, 2015

I was So Tired...

I left home far too late for the lunchtime concert and arrived with seconds to spare and had to sit where I could see very little. The venue isn't very good because the seats are not raised and unless you are near the front or sitting on the end of a row its no good. I could've perhaps got nearer to the front but my bus hit every possible delay from road works to holdups that you could not work out why.

The trio played music composed by the pianist Oscar Peterson. And as the works are longer than usual they dropped the last tune in the programme and finished promptly on the hour. Why they could not have played the whole selection I have no idea. They could've played it as encore. But it was an enjoyable hour. Quality Jazz.

It was quite warm in Durham City and I was so tempted to go off and take some photos but I was tired and I will be there again soon so I'll get my chance again.

On the way to the bus station to catch my bus home I was able to pass all the shops I needed to and buy a few things I was missing and avoid having to do it when I reach my I have my crumble mix, sea salt, tomatoes, broccoli, broad beans, some sliced meatloaf and corned beef.

I was going to cook something tonight but I have some sausage rolls to use up so may have some of them with buttered bread. And a mug of coffee. I may follow it with a chocolate caramel ice cream lolly. Later, I may have a bowl of potato wedges.

The programmes on the TV aren't that great tonight and many are being repeated over the weekend so I am going to get all cosy in bed and listen to the radio, perhaps I'll watch them tomorrow or Sunday.


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