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Friday, February 20, 2015

Had A Late Shop...

I had not realised that the discount supermarket near me had changed their opening hours and now stay open until 10pm so I purchased some bread and one of their Special Buy offers that came in today(a carpet runner and a similar doormat)for inside the hall.  A Bloomer loaf and some odds and sods(canned chopped tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, small potatoes)potato wedges, roast potatoes, salad, kale and a cucumber.

However they are the only place on the town to sell fruit pie fillings but I could not buy crumble mix so I will have to go to another one that has that but not the pie fillings.

I watched(for those living abroad)a TV programme on BBC TV "Question Time" that is a political discussion type where the audience asks public figures questions on current affairs. Its not worth going into details but I wasn't impressed, I know because someone I know was in the audience and had some very good questions to ask and did not get the chance and the topics chosen which were populist how skewed the programme is. It was a waste of my time and I think I will pass on it again. Its not a good thing to watch before retiring to bed, you won't go to bed in a happy frame of mood. You'll be disillusioned. angry, scared, sad by the quality of answers from the panel and some of the questions asked.

I was thinking of getting into something nice to eat after I came home but will think of doing that later today I have had a chicken in the slow cooker. I'm wondering if I should have a go at roasting some vegetables in the oven. Its just as easy for me to do them than buy them that way.  I had some tomato and crisps in buns(not together)and was given a butterfly raspberry/cream butterfly cake by someone at the bingo which I had with a mug of coffee, think I'll have another coffee. And watch an episode of Father Brown, I thought that I had two remaining but today's was only aired a few weeks ago so its still fresh in my memory and has obviously been slotted into the schedule just to make everything tidy and finish the week off neatly.

I have to be on the bus to Durham no later than 11.20am for the music concert at lunchtime, then decide whether to come straight home or hang around awhile longer seeing that I have made the effort to go out.

I am debating whether to get more runners for other rooms in the house whilst they are available(they'll hide my carpets for now)and when I do change them I can put them on top of the new one's to help protect and stop them wearing out. I'm thinking one for the landing(just wooden boards)at present. The lounge and possibly my bedroom. They will come around again if I miss out this time.


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