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Sunday, February 01, 2015

I've Missed Talking To...

those affected by my friend being in hospital but have left phone messages and kept a check via Facebook. Its been a quiet day. I have had a corned beef pasty for lunch(it was more full than the last one I had)I am soon going to have fish(haddock)potato wedges, peas and buttered bread. Not a very Sunday meal but its easy and means it is used and not wasted.

As the fish is smaller than I thought, I may have two pieces. That can all go into the oven, the peas in the microwave for a quick steam. No preparation or and little cooking time but a lovely meal at the end of it.

I've cheated and quickly made a wholemeal loaf which I hope will bake OK when it goes in the oven in approx 30 mins. I did this one by hand I have to admit and it is a basic wholemeal loaf nothing fancy. Just an experiment. The disadvantage I have these days is that I no longer have an airing cupboard to offer some warmth when waiting for dough to rise. Really the answer would be to allow the sun to fall across it in the Summer in a windowsill or a day when the radiators are on and place it nearby. Its not very warm but I have tried putting it in what was the airing cupboard and on top of the metal water tank that is heated by the combi boiler, with the door closed it is slightly warmer and a smaller space.

As far as I know I think the little bingo session is still on for tonight but I'm not expecting everyone to be there(obviously my friend won't be, I assume his Mum won't be)but there could still be 5-6 of us. I'll put a little buffet together. I can bring what isn't eaten home with me...ham baps, cherry tomatoes, cheese, crisps and some cake bars. I usually only take one of everything for each of us but they can eat what they like of the cheese and tomatoes.

Update:Loaf of bread almost worked, tastes OK but the inside is too damp and day I'll get it right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I do when I make a loaf by hand and not in the breadmaker, is to warm the oven up very slightly (turn it on for about five minutes only) then put the loaf in there, shut the oven door and let it rise overnight. Works a charm. :) Try it next time. :) Then you can have fresh bread for breakfast. :)


1 February 2015 at 23:31  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

What an ingenious idea :-)

2 February 2015 at 05:11  

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