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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Had I Made The Effort...

Its quite a pleasant day outside. I almost wish that I had but where to go? Hopefully, I will start my travels soon. And I have slept well so that is good.

Today would've been Mum's birthday, the third since she passed away. For many others it will be closer or farther away than that so either still raw or livable with. We all deal with it in our own way. If they have their own families or live away or never experienced that closeness between a parent and child or are emotionally cold for whatever reason it is as individual as everyone of us.

But though I am thinking of Mum its not a bad day...not bad at all.

Cannot decide whether to have a wander down the supermarket just for the sake of it or stay in it won't make any difference if I go today or tomorrow. I could buy milk but if I am caught without I do have some cartons of long life and powdered so I can still have tea or coffee. I will probably buy some buns if I leave until Sunday. I could buy another runner but I think there will still be some there tomorrow. And tomorrow that supermarket gets new items in stock anyhow.

I may have another couple of some sausage rolls I have in the house for a snack later(it gets them used up)then get stuck into making a meal for the early evening, I'm thinking salmon salad. Virtually no cooking involved in that.

The only TV programme I am thinking of watching tonight is an Agatha Christie Miss Marple mystery which I will probably watch whilst eating my meal. Some programmes if I turn them on would fill in the time but they are not "Must see" TV and others I may like to see I cannot because I don't pay to watch those channels. The older I become I am more selective and choosy about what I watch.

Actually, I ended up listening to old programmes on BBC Radio 4 Extra instead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am very selective about what I watch on TV and find Catch up and i player great.

Treat yourself kindly for the rest of today and hope you managed to have a nutritous meal. :)


21 February 2015 at 23:36  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you, its been OK. Generally, I find its best to live in the day where possible.

I've been given an easy recipe for making bread, I may give a go.

I'm through all my snack type food and can now think of using up the more substantial stuff what would be seen as "proper" meals but so easy to do.

You know, stews/casseroles/meat and veg possibly homemade pies and pasties.

Cakes and scones perhaps(just for fun)I have seen one which uses a product called Bisquick without buying it online I'm not sure its available in the UK, a search suggests probably not but there are numerous substitute recipes all over the net.

It contains baking soda, flour and little else.

21 February 2015 at 23:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so get cooking! :D

Since you have an interest in food, having you thought about taking an evening class to do with it? Would stop you getting bored and you would have tasty results at the end of it, plus added knowledge and extend your reportoire - a win-win situation.


22 February 2015 at 08:30  

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