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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Amazing...Its 9pm already...

At least I can sleep soon. Not an exciting day. Not really sure we were meant to have many of those kind of days and then when one comes along it means more. Exciting does not always mean its good. Lately too many people I know are having hard situations to deal with.

Still been living off tomato and ham sandwiches. All used now. I haven't watched any TV. Been a radio day. Perhaps tomorrow will be different. I could go out but it seems pointless.

I may give in and watch a couple of TV bed soon.

Neighbours have been a bit noisy. There is a rhythmic noise some nights that lasts for set period of time and I wonder if its some kind of exercise machine and off and on the dog has been howling and whimpering throughout the day and evening.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you looked into doing an OU course?

I just think it's a shame that you seem to be finding it hard to fill in your days and you do sound bored, just going out for the sake of it and acknowledging that it seems pointless.

Why not find an OU course that sounds interesting? Or sign up for an adult education course? I used to do an art one, and it was fun. :)


18 February 2015 at 23:00  

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